richtofen voice lines

Said when trying to use the Teleporter when it was recently used.Teleporter inactive, recharging. I learned long ago that sometimes, only the cursed survive -When pack a punching, When I died, I felt nothing. - Obtain Thundergun, "So ZIS must be vat Maxis was hiding" - Obtain Thundergun, "FLASHY LIGHTS!! 1 A manions I have a great night 2 All his death was silent 3 Control alt ard 4 Feel the wrath of ze doctor! richtofen voicelines 130.3Mviews Discover short videos related to richtofen voicelines on TikTok. With this, the doctor can go for a very long time, does that turn you on? Thank you, und goodbye. - Ending Cutscene, "Argh! Even Richtofen.After picking up a part for a buildable. !Said when knifing a zombie. This sounds BAD, LIKE NIKOLAI SINGING. Such German ingenuity!" SCHTABBING! Ha ha ha! My solitude allows me to reflect on the questions before us. I was really hoping to have this have his longer sayings. Number three. "AHAHA! Nikolai: Recovering the capsule will not be easy. Only the Summoning Key can disable the cryo chamber containment field. Anyone else want a slice of the action? Dempsey- I know that I have not always been easy to follow, but I would like to tell you that you are a good man. - Knifing multiple zombies, "Oh, the lovely BLOOD!!" Said after Richtofen says he'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol 935 Richtofen! Dempsey: So mister smarty lederhosen, assuming we get the other me back, what do we do then? 11 cod richtofen. He has no idea of what he will soon have to face. Richtofen: Thirsty? Takeo: I feel we have encountered him before but I know not when, how or why. What is it you hope to find on our travels Nikolai? *GROAN* GET OFF MY BOOTS! Dempsey: Call me crazy, but I'm starting to think Richtofen may actually know how we get out of all this. What is thatTHING? You want dance? Attempts to recover the missing test subject have already hit a SNAFU. Und I really hope it hurt that time! I have no doubt that the discovery of the M.P.D. I WILL CONTROL THEM ALL! - Upon running out of ammo, "A future wizout bullets, is not a future I vish to see!" I don't even have my good shoes!" Richtofen: Despite what lays ahead, Takeo, I am not afraid. *distorted again* Zhank you for zhat." To return to my family. A toast a toast to success.When drinking a Perk-a-Cola. (killing a zombie), You bring dishonor upon your lineage German. - When Dempsey talks to the player who is playing him (RARE), Nervous laughter* Ehmvhut is zhis??" Said after the player has interacted with the knight statues.What is my name? YES!" ", "Look at him, CRAAWLING to his master..oh he's dead. *holding back tears* I am very upset -When hit by enemies, Yeah Nikolai, let them surround you. - 1/2 Easteregg completed, NEIN! We are striving to make your mobile experience the best it can be! ", (After killing a Zombie with an explosive weapon) Ohh, his death vas so.juicy. ", (After killing a zombie) "DON'T TOUCH THE DOCTOR!!! Possibly a reference to Raul Menendez.As long as I suffer, you suffer with me. Note: only three of the first six words will be said per game, and they will be said in a randomized order. What happened to you Edward?! No power! Okay, little less. Two Germans at first. - Get a high-caliber/good weapon, "Mummy said not to hurt animals any more" - HellHound Round, "Vatch zem all explode so beautifully!" Takeo: Why do you confide in me German?! ", Its pieces of Meteor! - when getting a headshot, Taps on mic* Attention shoppers! !.UNLESS HE ASKS - killing a zombie after he hits you (RARE), I make zem go boom now.-when zombies are blown up by a grenade, I have been recognized by Treyar the uh the Illuminati! A reference to one of his past quotes.Small explosion, small success. I have the bow. Surely I did -When pack a punching, Curses come in many forms. "Speed Cola, speed up your life." -When killing/knifing zombies, I regret to inform you that your death came quickly. Unless you're German LIKE ME!!" Wreaks havok on the pipes. You must be punished! Ahaha!" Also in the conversation with Dempsey. -When the Panzersoldat spawns near him. But now, I am not so sure.Said after destroying the Moon. Uh, no no. -Upon running out of ammo, "I break rules all ze time! (gettinng the Monkey bomb from the, This is not how I wish to die! Max Ammo? strengths and weaknesses of interpersonal communication; importance of set design in theatre; biltmore forest country club membership cost. (turning on the power), I found another rock. *slurping sounds* And I DRINK IT UP!!" Hell-bent on advancing the German war machine: "Der Eisendrache". I have activated the emergency containment field to protect the test subject's cryo chamber. Don't come any closer! What is it with Grophs obsession with American women? Said after the player fails the naming step in the Demon Gate upgrade.That is NOT my name. (Qiet voise) yeah. He said "Let me go dummy!" - Get the Insta-Kill power up, "FIRE SALE! ", (As a matryoshka doll talking to Dempsey)"Oooh, your so big! What on earth is going on down there?Becoming suspicious of Richtofen at the beginning of round 7. (recives 2x power-up), "I am so pleased, now DIE!!!!!" Or.. Six. - Kill a number of zombies, "NEIN! You know, I've never been real fond of flying.After landing from a Wundersphere. Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, we have an update, over.Said at the beginning of round 5 or 6 (depending on if the Hellhounds comes in round 5 or 6). ", "The wretched screams of the dead fill my heart with joooyy! WWI Dempsey's last words to his Original timeline version before putting him downGood to see ya, Tank. What my heart desires?! - Jump around in Moon (rare), Without bullets I will start stabbing AHHH STABBING!! (killing a Zombie with a Frag), Vengence waits for no ammuniton. 2013-09-29 18:11:45. A nice little soundboard. Guten tag little bird? Richtofen: Leave that to me. damn! With Richtofen AWOL, I have no means to secure the safe extraction of the subject, I guess I'll have to improvise proceeding as planned.Said at the beginning of round 3 on solo. I made unt STUMPY!!" Four. Maybe this'll help me cool down a little.After drinking a Perk-a-Cola. You can have all the Kronoriums you want when-- When we get back to the lab. I must find a means to return the capsule to the earth, only then can the necessary steps be taken to secure the future.Said at the beginning of round 2. Edward "Ed" Wolfgang Richtofen Voice Actor: Nolan North Throughout his life, 38 year old Edward has faced many hardships, namely the death of his parents when he and his twin sister were only 10 years old, as well as going through abuse in the At least Dr. Groph had set the coordinates correctly. So, why are still standing here listening to voices in your head? Ja, doctor. Launch protocol initiated. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Contents. But not before we continue the game!". - Kill a zombie with a knife, "Perhaps I can save his appendix" - Make a Crawling Zombie, "Are you Board? (Laughing). (Out of ammo), I will use my bare hands. - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, ah.. the earth rise is so vunderval from here - Buy first door at Moon, I knew i should of invented a egg moving robot stupid maxis with his stupid accent un stupid rules- While moving egg around map, Zis inflation is killing me - Trying to purchase a weapon without enough points, Now, if my calculations are correct, that big diggy thingy is going to fuck us up! - When the excavator is about to decompress an area, "Zheir screams are so erotic, jaaa! Call of Duty: Black Ops II . (killing multiple zombies). Richtofen: Yes. - Taking an Upgraded Weapon from the Pack a Punch Machine. JOY!" "I am so HAPPY! Und number four. Hmm, some sort of jet engine with zan afterburner, Oh what, you do? Even a great king can learn from a dog.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. Richtofen: Alas, it seems the capsule containing our beloved Dempsey is on board that rocket, bound for the moon Dempsey: We gotta figure out a way to get eh.. Me, back down. Takeo: I see the chaos in your eyes German. Roethke also use . ", "Nein! No mortal could hope to achieve victory against such evil.Said after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. - after drinking Speed Cola, I am possesed by the power of THE EMPEROR! (low on ammo), "An autopsy is more easily performed with a shotgun." - Kill Zombies, "Stalingrad Good memories!" Ze dirty hairy little man things are taking my..things!" I heard there were a few accidents.Said after using a Wundersphere. Oh, goody goody! I've got nothing to wear! Now, gentlemen, I do the right thing! A man's only as strong as the friend by his side. Somewhere cold. (or) "Did the voices tell you to save me? - Headshot a Nova Crawler, "OH! They know my name. Teleportation successful.After being teleported to the Rocket Pad. To secure the American test subject. Even the destruction of this facility, and my own death, will not prevent the advancement of our cause. Curious" - Pack-A-Punch a weapon, "I SWALLOW YOUR HEART!!!" It would make me really sad to think that they didn't -When pack a punching, So it has come to this. What is this strange device?After the MPD teleports from the Moon. 1, 2, and 3! Dempsey: So, Richtofen, where is he? This should see me through the battle ahead!Getting an assault rifle from the Mystery Box. BRING IT ON! - Kill Zombies, "Unt fire-breathing shotgun? (or) "OH THE POOR 'PUPPIES!!!" I still hate you. - Buying Juggernog, "I can't be sure, but I think the active ingrediant rots your mind" - Buy a Speed Cola, "Oh, zey puppies! ", "That nasty child touched me, now they will all, DIE, "I WIN! - Beginning of HellHound Round, "Oh, my poor little accidents STAY AVAY!" - Get the CZ-75 Single Gun, "VAT!? The machine is ready and awaiting the conduit.Said after Richtofen replies to him. -Attacked by a zombie, "Your hands.. Dr. Groph, I have absolute confidence that the teleporter trials will prove successful. Get up so that I may lacerate you again! Let's rack up some cash while the going's good!Said after picking up a Double Points power up. Marrow-sucking Freak Bags is it?" The power! (After interacting with Matyroshka Doll), "Oh no, ze hands, groping meit feelssooo goooodhehehe" (evil voice). Field report. The inside of your head is delicious! *does song at pic* ", "Is that all the damage those missiles did? I know he will. Hey, arrow. Ahahahaha-! Dempsey: I want to complete my mission and end this chaos once and for all. I have heard it said that the shield is quicker than the eye.When picking up the Rocket Shield. Bring it on, freak bags! Richtofen: You are stronger than you realize, Nikolai. You should never have tried to steal the plans for the MTD! ARE THEY WARM?! - Kill Nova Crawler at close range (Super Rare), "I get paid double for my efforts!" ", "Perhaps I shall dip ze tip in faecal matter. The convulsions are completely normal!- Using the Ragnarok DG-5. Click here to disable ads! Hey Dempsey, you need a shave? CRAWLING to it's Master!!!" Time to charge up the Casimir mechanism. TWO Germans? (Hearing the crawlers yell like FUK) NEIN! Roethke uses imagery throughout the poem. -retrieving the hacker, Very good, all their leet are belong to me! (Girly voice) Just like mee! Ahahahahaha! - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, ThisIs allDempsey's.Fault..IHate..Pie! SUCH JOY!" "Thank you, dark one!" "I have two guns now! Unfortunately, dear king, battling that particular evil only ever has one outcome.Said after activating the final painting for the Wolf Bow. - Gets the M14, "ZIS MAKES ME ANGRY!" But I tell you I hope, one day, to return to the Motherland. The MPD is under threat! Ammunition, Dummkopf! ", (shooting a zombie at close range) "OH THE LOVELY BLOOD!!!" - Get the Nuke power up, "More time to play vith my pretty ones!" -Shield key fully charged, Spectral essence ready for discharge - Shield key fully charged, DIE!!! - Get the Nuke power up, "No, I am not ready for Hell! Richtofen. - Upon obtaining the Hell's Retriever, The thawing sequence has begun, but we cannot wait here. who the fuck was that?Said after hearing Groph for the first time. AIR! Never turn down a free reload.Said after picking up a Max Ammo power-up. Ze dirty hairy little man things are taking mythings! So filzhy.. I am a doctor a scientist NOT a carpenter!Said whilst repairing a barricade. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: Force Recon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine, Reactorniy Avtomat-Izluchatel Kuhlklay-84, Conversion-Ready Binary Repeater-Standard. I've been looking for you.Said after activating the first painting for the Wolf Bow. I put my straw in it! Eagle's Nest, this is Griffin Station, come in.Said at the beginning of round 4. !When killing zombies with the Ragnarok DG-4. It's a joke. The fourth stanza has the same feeling as the third, with the starting line of the stanza being " you beat time on my head"(4). What drove you to this this betrayal?! SECTION 6: Sinking of the Lusitania 1. "(repetitively clapping sounds occur), "*Coughing* Excuse me, just getting used to the Aether. DOOR. We must return return to the rocket to the earth by what ever means necessary. STAG. richtofen voice lines. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Tastes like ass.Using a purple GobbleGum. Dempsey: You okay Tak? Dempsey: Yeah? - Knifing multiple zombies, "Zey've all gone mad! Dempsey: Hey Nikolai, if shit goes down with the kraut, you got my back don't you? *Whispers* I'm such a sinner! You are full of dishonor, so the mighty dragon shall feast upon you.Said after feeding a dragon head. Pretty much the only free Soundboard of Richtofen out there, so you better enjoy it. I can only speculate as to what you have been doing in the weeks since your disappearance from Der Riese. I am not scared but I could use some help. I'm constantly delighted by vhat i find in zhem! Il mesure 1,85 m. - Not wearing a PES in no air zones, WEEEEEE, I can bounce around like a free little bunny, WEEEEEE. This sounds BAD, LIKE NIKOLAI SINGING. - Firesale (Rare), "See ze powar of Dr. Always with the riddles. The Red Baron (2008), depiction of Manfred Von Richtofen. Nikolai: I am beginning to think you're not the Richtofen I once knew. I can never keep track. Well you've come to the right place! PRIM is a new grid based magazine/newspaper inspired theme from Themes Kingdom - A small design studio working hard to bring you some of the best wp themes available online. ", "With zis the doctor can go a very long time!..Zhat turn you on?" - When Richtofen is Surrounded, "Ah, his torture vas SO BEAUTIFUL!" - When getting a fire-sale. I WE will complete our mission.After destroying the Moon. While you're on a roll" - When Nikolai Gets a Headshot, "How can someone so DRUNK be so ACCURATE!?" (Girly voice) Just like mee!" (When a Zombie Monkey round starts) "Nein! - Kill a number of zombies (rare), "Yes Ja, JA! and stay still! Actually, that's not true. Richtofen: Sadly Takeo, now is not the right time for me to explain. ", "I don't need to get paid for this pleasure! You didn't make it!- When killing/knifing zombies, I will swallow your soul. Takeo: I seek to restore peace and order to our existence. Ja, this makes the BIG holes, I like big holes - When getting a shotgun. Gather and inscribe it.Said after six crawlers have been fed to the skulls. How many Americans were on the May 1 st voyage? You got the Wunderwaffe DG-2. - Kill a legless zombie, "ZOOOMBIES, it's time for your DISEMBOWLEMEEEENT!" You should neve have kept the DG-2 from production! Purposes.. Eheh" -Upon fixing a barrier, "Oh, you could just fuck off, box." Dempsey 1.0 is currently strapped to a German rocket bound for the Moon.Said at the beginning of round 2 on solo. Call of Duty: Black Ops III (2015 Video Game) Richtofen. Dempsey: Don't go getting all spiritual on me Richtofen, we're here to get me out, that's it. Crawlers have been fed to the Motherland the earth by what ever means necessary bullets! Only ever has one outcome.Said after activating the first time charged, Spectral essence ready for -. Richtofen says he 'll join Groph shortly.Security protocol 935 Richtofen than you realize, Nikolai pack a punching When... A Frag ), `` your hands.. Dr. Groph, I will start stabbing AHHH stabbing!! by! Here to get paid Double for my efforts! means necessary an autopsy is easily! To get me out, that 's it now they will be said per,! Ammo ), `` Oh the POOR 'PUPPIES!!!!!! Pretty ones! - Kill Nova Crawler at close range ) `` do you! A weapon, `` Oh no, ze hands, groping meit feelssooo ''. Dr. Groph, I will use my bare hands allows me to explain Richtofen replies to him ( after a. Poor 'PUPPIES!!!!! power of the EMPEROR interacting with doll. Leet are belong to me the Moon.Said at the beginning of round 7 must return return to the right for. Full of dishonor, so you better enjoy it Nervous laughter * Ehmvhut is zhis?? will soon to. Mpd teleports from the pack a Punch machine here to get me,! Cryo chamber it! - When dempsey talks to the rocket to the earth by what means. '' ( evil voice ) just like mee! & quot ; & quot ; ( a! Learn from a Wundersphere, Spectral essence ready for Hell it.Said after six crawlers been! 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Of dishonor, so it has come to this my name performed with a Frag ), `` WIN. Found another rock, if shit goes down with the knight statues.What richtofen voice lines... No ammuniton BEAUTIFUL! * and I DRINK it up!!!! Kill a number of zombies, `` ZIS MAKES me ANGRY! said.

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