once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness

And youre a ninja, too. Dread seemed to seep into her as Gold closed the door behind them. She also couldnt change the apparition destination as all visitors besides herself and Cora would be directed to the same location when apparating in. Even fire respected Reginas anger. At home it was so much more obvious Papi was missing. She had been here as a baby, she had slept in the basinet. I- I admire you every day for-. Still, the book was mostly a bust and probably outdated given that it was from four years ago. Regina regarded him carefully before saying slowly, I suppose, if you really want me to, we could talk price. Soon enough it was time to set his coffin on fire. Oh, no, Lance waved his hands. What would you like to do as far as locking goes? Mr. Leston asked, as they made their way to the counter, rolling the trunk. This package has been delivered to you courtesy of Beyond the Veil, a service which allows you to send out personal mail in the untimely event of your death. He looked to be around her age, in a t-shirt and jeans that muggles and muggleborn seemed to favor, with messy brown hair and matching brown eyes. Be careful with that, Regina snapped. Emma nearly laughed, talk about a Ravenclaws love of explaining their own logic being their downfall, Just how often do you break into the broomsheds?, Regina turned her head, but didnt fly off. Its fine, I just dont want you to get sick. Emma scrambled to grab her trunks handle as she was pulled along and the door shut loudly behind her although neither noticed. Regina nodded, Yes, it must. It was far to close to Christmas break, anything less than very important could have waited. It must be nice to know what you want to do, the way you do with potions. But I wouldnt want to go with myself. She gave David a sidelong look he didnt seem to notice. Youll see.. She had promised herself that over and over again all summerwhispering it to herself as she endured various punishments from her mother. Lets go., The dwarf looked at her like she must be stupid, Of course, right now., I need, let me just Emma motioned faintly back at the flat. She was standing at the bookshelf for way too long and I felt what; awkward, embarrassed, maybe annoyed because of Reginas behavior so I stood up to leave the room. He needs to want to marry you, you need to make him want to. Come on, Granny said, with a nod at Archie. Somehow, the photographs moving was stranger than the oil paintings. She smiled. Regina looked up in alarm, and her wand was pointed at the opening in a heartbeat. She glanced down at the textbook and the pieces clicked together. Is it getting worse?, Im afraid so, Ms. Sapphire admitted. Who thought a school with stairs that disappeared was a good idea? Theyll need proof. Regina had to admit, she was impressed. I apologize for that, I merely didnt want to risk any communication being intercepted.. She was in a dull haze the rest of the time home, something which her mother evidently viewed with distain, but was too busy winding down Papis business and sorting out estate issues, she more or less left Regina alone. left kudos on this work! Hello, Miss. Regina Navar, she said and pressed her thumb to the gray, unmarked circle of wax. She feels like her world is crashing down around her, but Robin is there to pick up the pieces. Ill find a way to thank you for this., No problem, really, he said like its nothing, Good night Ms. Mills!. How can any trip that involves Honeydukes not be?. Kiley had insisted they eat together before every game. All he had done was see something he shouldnt have, that and dared to kiss herMother had tortured that out of him. I dont know why I am surprised. She let me lead her into the crowd and we started dancing. Wand arm?. It was also really annoying was that some jerk was trying to beat her up and still all he could talk about was her birth parents. Hello, she said calmly, taking another step closer. It was just, another friend of her parents. McGonagall climbed into a silver cart that pulled up and Emma scrambled in behind her, while the goblin took a stance at the front. Papi taught me. Part of that hiding spell your parents did. I walked over there and saw that she was sitting outside at the small table. Why?, The exam is tomorrow and I always have trouble sleeping the night before anything big happens. First of all, I want to take the opportunity to thank for those who read my previous fic which was also my very first. She smiled at me without saying a word and went upstairs. What if Regina had a daughter before she adopted Henry and unlike her brother she decided to learn magic. Emma grinned, Nope, deal them anyways. I dont know why they scrape the bottom of the barrel, letting useless wizards like you and your friend even come hereyou clearly have no idea what your doing. David grabbed Emma by the arm and tugged her over for a group hug, which she was more than willing to join, with Ruby at the center. After reading some of the books in the rest of library I was interested in learning more about the muggle Great Wars. What made the Evil Queen evil? You play Quidditch? he asked, sounding interested even as he shuffled the cards. ? Cora screamed. With a crack, the witch apparated away. Her wand warmed just slightly before a silver form burst from it. Emma let out a loud laugh she couldnt contain, Oh my god, was that your stomach?. Everything seemed so mundane and normal, like no time had passed since shed left for school. They came upon a short line of people who Emma was relieved to see looked normal enoughshe kept expecting something more, well, magical around every corner. Fine, so that you can quiz me in the morning., Kathryn smiled, Dont be mad, Navar, youre leading just about every other class., Regina rolled her eyes, but her aloof attitude was ruined by another yawn. #henry Her expression changed as she brought her hand to her mouth. That did have a small downside when she nearly flew into some sort of bird lurking under the eaves and it slowed her down some, but when she came out from under the last arch and over the roof to head east along the river to the lake she was still ahead. Adrian Choi? So much is out of order and dirty., Dilly squeaked and shook her head, Meaning no disrespect, Miss Emma, truly., Emma smiled, Of course you didntand the place is in bad shape. What an imbecile.. Even if theyd died, I could have, have grown up with Ruby here! I dont know. Recognizing her blood as the same bloodline as Coras, it opened easily. Regina had hoped the conversation would go in this direction, shed prepared for this. Um, why are you here? Is it similar to a Patronus form? Emma asked, animagi forms reminded her of the other spell that involved summoning an animal spirit. By the time theyd finished their lap and moved to the center of the field to hover opposite the Gryffindors, her elated grin was replaced with a fierce one, ready to win her first game and bring home a Ravenclaw victory. She despised most things to do with muggles and the idea of being cursed to think she was one had incensed her. Granny told me all about it. Okay, I will, Emma said, smiling at the older witch. I hope Silver wasnt caught by the muggles youre with. You mentioned that you wish to continue to use your current name, which is up to you, but with that choice Id be careful about who you do tell about your parentage, unless youre prepared for the attention which comes with notoriety. Media Coverage; Podcast; Films. Im glad it worked out well, I wasnt sure the locator was calibrated correctly, for all it was within the margin for error., Emma froze at that, remembering from her own file, and she blurted out, It dropped me off on the side of a highway near a forest., What? Marco looked shocked. Emma took a few steps until she was standing right next to Regina. I am paying attention! Emma protested. Growing up in London. Technically, shed followed her mothers guide lines for an appropriate dress robe outfit, but shed known as she designed it that Mother would not approve. Unless you hold the heart, you cannot give direct commands. Do you have any sisters or brothers?. Why does it have to be because of who two dead people were!? Regina ended up going with a simple three compartment model that was on sale for a low basic price, which she was glad he didnt try to upsell her from, although he did make sure she was aware of the difference enhancements they offered. I said Id come. Emma rubbed her arm subconsciously, trying to ignore the fact that she almost had changed her mind. You are disrupting todays business. Without realizing it, she followed him since she hadnt been close enough to make out what was there. She wished she could just cast the spells herself, but she wasnt supposed to be doing magic outside of school since she was underage and she wasnt actually sure she even could cast a strong enough spell. Wouldnt you like to know, Mother. Can you do that? She watched Emma, but did reveal what she thought of that. Really? No one had ever done so much for her. Must have been to help make the spell last longerdrawing the spell diagram on the ground is too temporary for a spell like that.. And as I said, no need to stress about it. Regina took a deep breath and laid her hand on his arm. She couldnt stay here though. The sound of their footsteps brought Emma back to the present. She set about making the potion as always, but this time she could tell Regina was paying closer attention, for all she mostly kept her comments to herself. Second of all, I occasionally, do favors for friends, she said, continuing despite the look on his face that said he hadnt mentioned to his brother he was going to approach Regina. Mother had never done more than brush against her mind though, to remind Regina of what she could do. Continue? Emma asked as her head slowly stopped spinning. Mothers false acquiescence to her request for mercy, Daniels screams of pain, the ash falling to the floor. Unfortunately, most of what she found were history books about the schools founding and how well it fared over the centuriesnot exactly useful. Instantly, an intense protective flare came over her. Come on, Rubes, shes not that bad., Isnt she though? Ruby asked dubiously. It was extremely uncomfortable to have so much attention focused on her and it didnt seem to be getting any better as the days passed. Char was older and taller, with longer arms, and so inevitably, his hand closed around the snitch and her own closed fruitlessly around his. Emma had hated it the first time; there was too much responsibility and far too little freedom, which was something she had confessed to Regina in the early hours of morning when the two of them would lay in bed for a time. He didnt leave anyone he met here any forwarding information., Emma couldnt believe what she hearing. I cant wait to hear where you go. She blinked at the sign. This time her mother had snapped her wand in half, saying if she was going to be such a worthless witch, she might as well be a muggle. I mean, its not that bad. That was what they had prepared for, Regina reminded herself as she left and resealed the mausoleum behind her. If even Emma thought she did the spell right, then She swallowed, she did actually have a theory, but she hadnt wanted to admit it even to herself, could she trust Emma? Emma looked over to where Ruby, Mary Margaret, and David were waiting for her, saw how they all smiled and waved her over and felt her spirits lifting. Emma was still maintaining the spell and she gestured at Regina, Try and break it.. She couldn't. Still, Emma had trusted Mary Margaret enough to explain and shed promised not to tell. Not right now, Ms Wheeler. Ill be reading from this parchment and you will be reciting the end portion of the enchantment with me. Carefully, Regina gripped the broom like a walking stick in her right hand. No wonder were friends, Ruby said, grinning while jumping up and down in her seat. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Emma and Henry persuade Regina to go on a family holiday. She wanted to pretend she didnt care just so they could be friends again, but she knew she needed to hold firm. It was a mistake and they were making it harder. She knew it was weak, but Regina wasnt sure she could kill her mother even it was possible. Emmas hand met solid flesh, eagerly, Emma moved her hand down and tried to press against Reginas chest where her heart would be. Weve got plenty of time, dont have a manticore.. Its you she said, surprise evident in her own voice. I just wanted you to Lily tried to explain, her voice pleading, but Emma didnt let her. Im kidding. Emma refused to leave Splotch behind or even to try to explain to the cat that she needed to sleep outside where whatever could happen to her. Um- yeah, yeah, I think, I said as I tried to keep my eyes open. Despite being full of questions, she managed to limit herself to just one after the door shut, Whats going on?, Im afraid Im not sure, Miss Navar, Gold replied, his lips pressed together. What? Thank you so much! So, did she want to come right out and say she didnt have a lot of happy memories too or did she want to drop it and not help Regina, who she realized she wanted to be her friend. While she was glad to see her father and their horses, winged and non-winged, that was all she was glad for. Her first try for this potion in class had not gone well. A slight scuffling noise, of footsteps caused her to turn around slowly. Mary Margaret and David quickly moved in unison, each grabbing ahold of one of Rubys arms, to pull her back and away from the dark creature, which was being successfully herded back by Emmas well-defined patronus. They control the Wizarding banks, Gringotts is the largest. Alright, okay. Im not sure. Since we dont want this to go on too long, well all be flying around and tossing the quaffle, but no bludgers will be active and Ive got an older snitch that should be a bit quicker to catch., Regina and Faris nodded to show their understanding and she returned the gesture. Lily had been lying to her. A Gryffindor first year Emma had never met before came up to Emma and tugged on her robes to get her attention, Is it true your mum could take out three wizards in ten seconds with her long-distance stunners?, Then the Slytherin boy whod come over with her and looked similar enough that they might be siblings chimed in, I heard your dad could disarm someone so hard that their wand would fly ten meters when hit., Both of them were very excited and looked questioningly at her, as if expecting her to know. Even more unbelievably shed said shed known Emmas real parents and that theyd been magical too. Marco continued, Everything ended up being such a mess. Then she realized it was the White girlshed heard the girl went by a different surname, but she hadnt known what it was. Youre just constantly making everything unnecessarily complicated. Probably to stroke her own ego. There was that article about the wizard that had gone missing, I think that was her. You will make a most worthy friend., Cunning too her careful way of watching Mother and all the clues to her mood, figuring out how best to avoid her wrath. I kept tripping on it., Emma deflated slightly, I really am looking for a book., Regina was interested in spite of herself, What kind of book?, Well, there was this group that ended up killing my parents. Regina nodded to show she understood and Emma could see her demeanor change to a more serious one. She put Char in the corner of her eye and began her own serious search for the snitch, eyes tracking any small movement. Regina knew there would be trouble in the morning as she stood in her bedroom, newly returned from the latest party. You have come into possession of knowledge regarding Dark activities, specifically of a Dark wizard who has been operating for the past few years. And my name really was Emma?, McGonagall tried not to let her pity show on her face that the girl didnt even know her own birthday. Leading the horse over to the ring, she waited while Daniel opened and closed the gate for her. I did both, but only enough to learn the basics., Really? Does that mean youll book me a permanent time and room? she asked hopefully. Emmas eyes widened and her hand flew to her chin. Here, MM, let me help, Ruby said, rolling her eyes at Mary Margarets struggles. When she handed it to him in the common room a few days later, she let her fury show, but not her satisfaction. Now, first let me tell you about the protections we have on this room, Tamara said, motioning around the room as she spoke. is everything set up? Emma asked her friends. Also, you said something about how they didnt want word leaking out before the trial? Look, your mother is clearly an insane murderer, but apparently, Emmas voice got a little hysterical on that word before she recovered, thats not new. Driving your muggle vehicle sounds interesting, perhaps you can show me how one works once youve been certified. Her sense of foreboding roared in her ears and she barely heard Gold as he said Sherbet Fountain. Then she turned around and started walking back the way they came. They jogged up the path towards it. I hate that they get credit for any part of me. Regina resolved she would stop her mother or die trying. The White heir has returned. I know you said you had some potions money to fall back on, but enough to live on your own until school starts up again? It doesn't help that she's crushing hard on her teacher. She managed to get the cup onto her nightstand before her head fell to the pillow. She begged to be allowed to stay close by while they did the spinal tap. The whole thing still bothered Emma, like a missing toothnot painful, but not quite right either. At least Regina had given her some actually useful advice. Emma tensed ever so slightly when he stepped closer, freezing. Not that she was going to get too cocky. I went up because I forgot one of my star charts in the classroom and I nearly walked into them! Also she didnt have a phone. You think? David said, walking around to join her on the other side of the bed. Theres a spellbook in the library that had a copy of the spell Snow used the first time and some other stuff there they used., Ive never been to their house, Emma protested, trying to ignore the part of her that was scared to even think about it. I didnt mean anything by it., Emma shrugged, regaining her usual attitude now that surprise had worn off. She stifled a yelp and panted as she clutched the armored waist of the suit of armor with her other arm. She relaxed slightly. His gaze was more careful than she had ever seen it, which unsettled her more than she would have liked. Cora looked a little surprised at the blunt words that had come out of her mouth and looked to see what Reginas reaction would be fore all she knew the girl suspected. Silence fell as the students eyes grew wide. The room was filled, floor to ceiling, in rows that went back further than she could see. Are you alright?. How about we try a larger circle of cards this time. Regina studied them, noticing the wear and tear on the glasses and the small flecks in the lenses themselves. For her. She could tell from Reginas confident broom handling that she was a good flyer who hadnt lost her edge since shed been banned. Each time she did so this summer it was easier to re-familiarize herself with how it felt and she really did love being able to feel so connected with her horse the way she did without a saddle. But I dont want to interrupt your tea time with her, Im sure she doesnt want, Oh, shush. Ruby flapped a hand at her nervous friend. Set around Season 4ish. We used it on August too, but for him it workedit never occurred to me that it might have malfunctioned for you.. Regina slowly came closer, have expecting her mother to wake up at any moment and curse them all. In fact, she was sure she was being followed, she was sure of it. Ruby was also holding a white blanket and each witch placed theirs down on the bed. Ten minutes late, Emma ran into the room and very self-satisfied expression on her face. Whats that sound? Archie asked, a bit nervously, looking around for the source. She is! Emma protested, unable to come up with a more compelling argument out of sheer surprise. If I have any pointers, I can let you know and if not, well, itll only be for an afternoonnot like it made anything worse., Regina rolled her eyes, My time is exceedingly valuable. Emma would have taken offense if she hadnt realized Regina was joking. That brought Regina up rather short and she looked down to fiddle with her quill. She risked a quick glance back where her friends had been and saw theyd move to the left so they were out of the line of fire. Yeah, Emma said, searching for what to say besides, they let us keep familiars because Im a witch. Lets unfold them and see, Emma said, diming her wand and shoving it in her holster so they could all help to unfold the blankets. fr delta i inlandet webbkryss / once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness. Damn. Emma almost said she could see why Regina had made her house team as a second year, only to swallow her words. The surprised her, while they would come when she did, normally relatively quicklymore so if she had foodshed never come to find them already there. No sooner had she thought that when she heard a pecking sound at the window: a black owl holding a blue envelope. She asked if I could find any alternatives. Of course, Emmas lips brushed Reginas as she replied to Reginas question, just in case it wasnt obvious from before. She felt herself flush, Maybe, but I dont know if I can get new ones. The ones she had were a donation and they did exactly get to be choosey about them. She made a split-second decision before scrambling to her feet. The aurors lasped into silence as they examined the room, Regina showed them a few of the other chambers which held minor Dark artefacts, but they all ended up drifting back to the chamber of hearts. The players scattered, Gryffindor catching the ball and taking off for the hoops, racing against the Ravenclaw keeper. Its about the fact that they all expect things of me now., Mary Margaret did actually seem to be listening, she had the same look on her face whenever they learned a new charm, slightly open-mouthed understanding. Have you met any of them yet?. Trigger warnings throughout will include sexual abuse, domestic violence, self-harm, eating disorders, probably others. So do you think you know how we could hook up the Floo network so they can come here?, Dilly frowned, I dont know if Miss Emma could, if she hasnt inherited fully yet, and there might be hiding charms. Emma and Mary Margaret let their dismay on their faces and Dilly hastened to continue talking, But, if Misses permit, Dilly could get the others, instead of Floo.. It was one thing to have students or even teachers, know who she wasanother thing to have other adults treat her like she was something special. Finally, the lid lifted up by itself and revealed the third compartment. Still, it happened occasionally at the castle until Mary Margret spilled the beans. It wasnt until a few days later in the same study room that they stumbled upon the solution. Okay, Ill- Ill just take you in my arms, Emma sighed. Hogwarts allows owls, cats, or toads, if a student so desires to bring one., McGonagall smiled, You have enough money leftover I believe.. I tore the note in three and after writing our names on each, we folded them and threw them into my beanie. Shed never ridden on the same broom as someone else. Neat, huh?. Were all just moving to the rhythm, I said and took her hand. And look where it hadnt gotten herMother had transfigured it into a copy of her least favorite outfit. Regina blinked as she moved her eyes away from the book she was reading, mind still trying to process all the information shed just learned. Five galleons then. She brought it up and around with a flourish. None of your business., Emma did laugh this time as she flew around to Reginas other side to try to meet her gaze. That meant whatever she spent now was coming out of her spending and school supply money for next year. Go get your measuring cups, Ill pour you a dose.. You have a very eager mind., Loyal and hardworking to a high degree Her standing in front of her horse, trying to stop her mother from having him put down when hed broken her foot and not moving until Cora had knocked her out. Still, they had made it and when all three of them exchanged smiles as they took their seats, Emma thought that maybe she managed to make another friend. Why should she take this seriously if Emma wasnt going to? When Emma copied, it left a blue fiery circle around their clasped hands. Sorry. She immediately set to skinning another four figs. I hope you still have auror protection, theyre still rounding up a couple of the people your mum said knew about what she was doing and people might be angry enough to take things out on you. I cant let it go on.. Not really., I personally prefer cats, McGonagall admitted and Emma remembered how shed turned herself into one earlier. Hey, this is serious, Lily said in a falsely stern voice that her smile betrayed a second later. Sure, it could be that Emma was simply respecting the fact that they were in a library, but Regina didnt think that was why. My friend, Emma and I., Dilly turned to find Emma standing there and promptly gave her a curtsy as well. That also explained why Regina was breaking in at night to fly. There was my chance and I would take it. Emma went over to the desk to write her reply before stalling on what exactly to write. She has a really bad reaction to lavender and thats the main ingredient in most of them. Its in my room, right now., Granny smiled and placed a hand on Emmas arm, Im glad you were able to hold onto it. They finally separated and stared at each other as both tried to process what had just happened. Sequel to Magical Misfire. Lily did notice and paled as if just realizing what shed said before she hurried on, My parents, theyre, theyre alright I guess. Within a minute, her arm was not quite itching, but pricking like a it had fallen asleep. I value my life too much to seriously consider dating someone like that, thank you very much. I dont care, Emma said definitively. During lunch, Regina asked what we should do in the afternoon and that was when I brought it up. How was this in someones house? If we do it this way, we cant just tell them what I old you. Well get out of your way then.. Whatever makes you most comfortable.. Henry quickly got up from his place at the foot of the table to the chair opposite Reginas place at the middle. She wrapped herself in it as fast as lightning to avoid any further inconvenience. Sure enough, a few minutes later the boys almost ran past the alley before spotting the door. In a strange way, it made Regina feel a little better, at least she knew and loved her Papi enough to feel this for him, to have loved him. By the time the doors opened, Regina knew shed managed to put on her usual mask, but also was aware it was much flimsier than usual. She didnt even want to come in the first place and I even left my key at home. Regina stiffened, I havent the faintest idea what youre talking about. Her voice was crisp, but defensive. It was to be ingested and would be effective for the next 24 hours. Great! Ive talked to Archie and he prescribed a calming draught for her. Normal, like a missing toothnot painful, but did reveal what she found history... To go on a family holiday started dancing you very much to see her demeanor change to more! 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