king of swords how someone sees you

The King of Swords reversed is thought of as a person who doesnt care about the feelings and opinions of other people. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the King of Swords means that they see you as someone they want to take seriously. Some people, perhaps an unfortunate majority, like the glamour and newsworthiness of intensity and emotional instability, and it is true that someone in an emotionally stable relationship has no dramas to workshop with her friends over a coffee, so perhaps she's boring - to others. The King of Swords radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. With the Swords Suit, the best way to go around figuring out the time would always be to think at least one later, and it would go something like this: If it is already Winter, your best bet would be next month or around Aquarius season. The King of Swords is a man of justice and a man who always discerns with his head and never his heart. When you prioritize then you are giving the pain something positive to transform into, and often times pain and suffering can be excellent motivations. In reverse, the King of Swords denotes problems in communication. Instead, its an opportunity for them to take some time and reflect on what went wrong before attempting another serious commitment one where respect will always remain at the core. Be direct and convey your feelings and concerns to this person, for theres potential for their obsession to unhinge both their life and yours should it go unchecked.. That would be a clever individual who is head over heart. Someone who loves to be not just financially independent, but the provider for those she loves. The card indicates the solution to a complicated problem, controlling your thoughts, and achieving mental clarity. 3.2 Just starting dating? This isnt about you. Or you could be a little hot-tempered. Learning from your mistakes, you will be able to lead your life and make foolproof plans. You are not losing any chance to mock and enjoy your own language. The challenge here is to discover your unique truth and dismiss ideas that clash with reality. The King of Swords reversed symbolizes a ruthless and irrational frame of mind. Stop procrastinating. A hawk flies with the wind, not against it. If you have to make a decision, listen to reason, and leave sentiment out of it. In a reading that concerns your long-term future, the King of Swords foretells an expansion of consciousness. The King of Swords advises you not to give in to bullies or allow anyone else to play with your mind. Strong. The card might also indicate a manipulative behavior and the involvement of a third party. The King of Swords, as a future card, indicates a transformation of the mind. You could be seen as someone who likes to boss people around, demanding that everyone recognize your genius. Despite the loneliness and frustration, that isnt always a bad thing. He searches within himself for the answers, making him feel cold and detached and also coming across that way. The King of Swords, in reverse, indicates a cunning person who aspires to be a puppet master. The flowing creek seems to suggest that emotions are flowing toward this ambition. He is sure of himself and believes in head over heart. Your ex may be desperate to fill the void left behind after your relationship. One has to devise a feasible plan, stick with it, and proceed with the necessary steps to carry it out. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. You most likely use your head to guide you through life, and you know that allowing emotions to run wild can distort ones perception and alter their way of thinking. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card shows a grown man sitting on a throne in a valley, or more likely atop a mountain. Reversed, the King of Wands can indicate that a lack of ambition is preventing you from making progress and achieving success. He radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. The person of interest thinks you have a beautiful, sharp mind, and conversations with you always spark their interest. He must discard concepts that do not help anymore, collect data, and devise a plan for the future. Table of Contents 1 King of Swords Meaning 1.1 Upright Position 1.2 Reverse Position 1.3 Horizontal Position 2 King of Swords - One card pull [Yes or No] 3 King of Swords - Love and Relationships 3.1 How someone sees you or feels about you? Upright Position: If you pull the card in an upright position, it means No. The King is wearing a light blue tunic, a symbol of his intellect and spiritual knowledge, a cape, and a golden crown. Whether its a second chance or not, this person will make sure you understand where things stand. The Queen of Swords is someone who is a great counselor with a sharp wit and she knows how to give just the right kind of assistance. He takes his responsibilities towards others seriously. You might be depending too much on reason, losing sight of the small things that bring joy, and appearing as insensitive or even irrational. The only thing is he will think that much he wont actually take no action, and as hes the Kos it doesn't mean hes emotionless he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. Thats why it is essential to have a look at how the King of Swords communicates with the other Tarot Cards. They excel at persuasion and enjoy solitude, as they believe that it is rare to find another mind that is worthy of their company. He wants to feel elevated and confident; I'd said the person see you as someone who has a strong personality. The King of Swords reversed, being so far away from the world that he loses sight of whats real, uses his power for all the wrong reasons. Your newfound awareness will allow you to flourish in future romantic and professional endeavors. You might realize that the most decisive battle youll have to fight will be against your very own mind, your beliefs, and your conditioning. However, believing that your opinion is the only valid and objective one will stop you from connecting to the subjective world of feelings and intuition. When the mind receives information that clashes with its pre-established worldview, it fights back and rejects what doesnt fit its patterns. In the context of whether or not a relationship is headed for commitment, engagement, or marriage, the King of Swords reversed means that they see you as someone they are willing to lead on. Someone could see you as the fool as someone thats a risk-taker, a perfect partner to spend time with and ganranteed to have some daring fun. This isnt the most auspicious start to any kind of relationship. It may also suggest that someone does not trust in your abilities or has doubts about your potential. Be the voice of reason and trust only in what you can observe, but stay true to your beliefs. This behavior is not due to malice, but because of a firm belief that they know what is right and wrong. While the card usually represents a male figure, this might be a virtuous woman in disguise. You should not be overly sensitive in this case, because they are willing to help you, but they are not willing to serve anything in a silver spoon. I see the King of Swords (rx) as an attractive charming man who is overbearing, evil, tyrannical and someone you don't want in your life. An expert at calculating the most efficient solution to a problem, the King of Swords will most likely offer a direct answer. They enjoy making plans, going on adventures, learning about history, and solving problems. You dont have to fight all the time. In this post we shall explore the King of Swords symbolism, and the role he might play in different readings and positions of a spread. The King represents a mature male figure or male energy. This is often a mask for fear. He understands that power holds great responsibility. No detail can escape his keen eyes. But a Page of Swords also likes to keep it's distance a bit, to be a bit cautious; - intelligent ( bitter and sarcastic );- quick witted; - intellectual;- analytical;- weighing of options; - someone who over thinks things and is unable to come to a decision. Ultimately, the sword is a symbol of balance, flexibility, power, and intelligence. The King of Swords suggests that you will attain mental clarity and an air of confidence. They might speak half-truths and base their arguments on far-fetched data that are not entirely relevant to the matter. It advises you to check yourself and your ways of communicating with your partner. He is holding a sword in his right hand, the hand of the conscious, rational mind, and his left hand, on which we can see a ring, is resting on his leg. The only way to truly learn is to abandon what doesnt help us anymore and replace that knowledge with something useful. Immerse yourself totally and trust that you know what you need to do to succeed. They have worked through their feelings and now know what they want from you. We can inform from the manner the apprentice has raised his head that he is discussing his development on building the cathedral. Grey clouds symbolize temporary and fleeting thoughts, while two birds are flying over them. The bas relief on the throne subtly reveals the Kings secret: a perfect mind is a mind transformed through seclusion and self-reflection. Perhaps you love the sound of your own voice, you believe that youre surrounded by fools, and youve started a crusade to enlighten them and make them see the truth. They admire your practical way of thinking and how you always seem to keep your cool. The King of Swords could be an army officer, a daring investor, a chief executive, an attorney, a scientist, or a teacher of philosophy. Stable. He values strong bonds of loyalty, meaningful conversations, and exciting activities. If everyone walked the way they talked, the earth would be a better place. Its possible that due to heartbreak in the past, you are careful about who you let near you. The way he feels things is passionate and fiery. You stand firm in your truth and express yourself with deep conviction. If you decide to come into a partnership with this person, possibly a male figure, you will find yourself in a better place financially, advancing in your career or being guided to better opportunities. Instead, you create a safe space for both of you to find a solution together. Your email address will not be published. But I don't know anyone in my life who is like that at all! This relationship may be a mature one, either by the years of being together or by the space you are moving, meaning that you both are committing yourself to it, and you are both taking secure steps moving forward. In a reading about your relationship, the King of Swords represents a loyal and calm partner. The Ace of Swords Tarot Card's True Meaning: Love, Health and Money The Ace of Swords urges you to align your goals after an extended period of aimless wandering. Like the birds soaring through the sky, which spread their wings and appear seemingly motionless to become aerodynamic, the King aspires to a stillness of the mind that allows him to pass through unwanted or frivolous thoughts. Facebook Pinterest, Relaxing Sounds Tarot Cards Angel Numbers Archangels. In this context, the King of Swords appears as an absolute monarch who will stop at nothing to achieve what he desires. By listening to reason and sharpening your mind, you can solve your problems efficiently and with great ease. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the King of Swords is a sign that they see you as a positive force. The King represents a mature male figure or male energy. Battles may await in the future, but you wont be uncertain and defenseless if you are adequately prepared. (with one exception which we'll get to!). You might discover a scheme against you, realize you are acting irrationally, or learn a truth that will shake the foundation of your beliefs. They might speak a harsh truth that you are not prepared to hear, but its for your own good. King of Swords : Love The King of Swords can, depending on the card context, signal the presence of a man on the stage, generally very masculine, virile, authoritarian and firm. The Knight of Swords indicates someone is feeling strongly determent and straightforward. In the front of him, there are others, a priest and a nobleman of a few sort, which are preserving plans of the cathedral on a chunk of parchment. A reversed King of Swords might represent an overbearing boss, or the inability to accept new ideas and solve work-related problems. Take your time before deciding whether this one should move forward or come to an end. Their smarts and words could be cleverly disguising their true intentions. Perhaps you tend to question everything and dont care for rules, courtesy, and authority. You will be able to solve your problems quickly and efficiently, while your field of perception will broaden. They see you as someone who pushes them to be a better version of themselves and someone who challenges them and makes them maintain high standards. The King of Swords card stands for an intellectual person, with analytical thinking and ethics. You may hear something that will throw you off balance and disturb your thoughts. The Knight of Swords in reversed position mainly represents a sense of jealousy and frustration. He becomes ruthless to conceal and justify the confusion that occurs when reality clashes with his truth. He bases his judgements on logic and fact and honesty NOT emotions. The King of Swords is deliberately, or unconsciously, detached from emotion so he can have clarity and independence. Pages are messengers so this person may tal. 3.3 What not to do? On the other hand, if one knows how to wield the mind properly, the King of Swords in reverse can represent an unbreakable belief in oneself. He shuts the door to the heart and judges with cold reason and indifference, too high and mighty to be concerned with petty feelings. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. Either way, the other tarot cards in the drawing will make up for the way the psychic readers conduct their readings because a Tarot Card deck connects to the energy of the psychic reader, so it talks to them. This person may seem to be making great strides in moving your relationship forward, but beware! When frustrated or challenged, this individual is known to be domineering with an unforgiving temper, clearly not giving much regard for acting honorably at all. King of Swords as how someone sees you - someone who over thinks things and is unable to come to a decision. They might not be showing you as much consideration or awareness about your feelings, which could mean they are being unfaithful and disregarding their own values in turn. The King of Swords Tarot as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The King of Swords Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. Usually, the King of Wands represents someone that is Alpha, that if he finds himself in a supportive, healthy relationship, he will give out more than he takes. Try not to close the door to emotions, as they affect your mind in many ways, and dismissing them as inconsequential will only blur your vision. The reversed King of Swords has the image of a stern, inconsiderate bully who is smart enough to shape his words into a weapon that serves his own needs. The answer would be they may see you as someone with whom they are connected not only on an emotional level but also physical and intellectual level as well. The card represents clarity, balanced decisions, and standing by your truth. When the King of Swords appears reversed in a love reading, it means that either you or your partner find communicating difficult. Scared of the truth. As an outcome, the King of Swords is a positive card to receive. Kings Swords are about mastery of the intellect. You will see the world with clarity, as it truly is. It is about being the master of your thoughts, listening to reason, and drawing your own conclusions based on observation and knowledge. We deserve love confirmed by actions, not just empty words. In reverse, it probably means No. Much like the Queen of Swords, The King can represent a strong male influence in your life, someone with authority and power. He represents the complete manifestation of logical thought upon the earth. All the King Pentacles stuff. This leads me to wonder if you leave him in hopes that by leaving, you're going to make him change in ways that you want him to change. Ask unlimited questions. These are very good traits to have, and this is why they appear as a positive, strength, or advantage in your Tarot spread. They are highly intelligent people, and usually highly educated. The Swords : Edge of The King of Swords embodies much of the meaning of the entire suit and should be taken seriously when seen. However, it is most probable that the card refers to problems with communication. While depending on your intellect to find your way is certainly advantageous, the outside world is more real than any kind of mental construct, and sometimes we have to abandon habits and thinking patterns that are not practical anymore. - someone willing to sacrifice something or part of themselves for something better/greater. The King of Swords, in reverse, denotes either a complete disregard for emotions or allowing sadness and resentment to distort your thoughts. When reversed in the advice position, the King of Swords serves as a warning that your thoughts are turning against you, affecting your image and behavior. They care about your shared vision for the future and have an open, honest communication style two key ingredients in building something meaningful together. RT @N0rbertElekes: See how good are you. Below the hand is a garden which seems to be flourishing with flowers and other kinds of vegetation, giving the impression of fertility, growth and prosperity. Tapping into the brains full potential is a lot like fencing; it requires skill, practice, and expertise. Your quiet and serious character is highlighted by a powerful voice, along with your unique perception and knowledge of the world. 31K subscribers in the SwordsComic community. His sharp mind loves puzzles, games, and solving problems. From the top of his mountain, he observes the world in its totality. There is nothing lacking, youre on the right path to success in most or all of your lifes endeavours. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. The King of Swords promotes finding the most efficient solution through research and observation. In this card, there is a mysterious hand that appears from the clouds holding a gold coin with a pentagram engraved on its surface. If theyre growing more distant or expectant, and have stopped going out of the way to show you that special kind of love it might point towards a bigger issue in your relationship. Venus in Virgo Compatibility, Why is Venus in Virgo Debilitated? The King of Swords is a strong, male figure. As a card symbolizing action to be taken, the King of Swords is about having consistency in your thoughts, claims, and deeds. If you have started dating this new person, the King of Swords indicates that your person sees you as someone smart, collected, straightforward, and just. The King of King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More The King of Swords in tarot reflects routine, and level-headedness. The King of Swords indicates the ability to control your thoughts and direct your attention at will. Play by the rules even if that puts you at a disadvantage. Turn your mind into a sword; sharp, swift, balanced, and flexible. For a Yes or No answer, the King of Swords represents Yes, as a card of the Cups Suit. Until then, maybe you wont refuse the occasional fling! Like with most fives inside the tarot, it's far about some type of disagreement that is dealing with the querent. A male figure or male energy care about the feelings and opinions other..., sharp mind loves puzzles, games, and authority discard concepts that do not help anymore, collect,. 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