is jonathan byers autistic

Charlie Ross Heaton is an English actor and musician. When she heard that her kids are in danger, she, Hopper, Murray and Alexei raced back to Hawkins to save them. Steve ran out and prepared to escape, but saw the lights of the house once again beginning to flicker and decided he needed to help his friends. He even encouraged Will to not let his differences bother him and that it's okay to be different not matter what. Could he really not sense, smell or hear the creature as it hovered near Barb? 1983 She also expressed hope that Jonathan could go to Emerson College in Massachusetts with Nancy. A lot of people talk about Jonathan being "parentified". Lol but in all seriousness it's probably how much he genuinely loves and contributes to his family. RELATED: Stranger Things: 10 Characters With The Best Survival Skills, Ranked. After El's arrest, the brothers attempted to contact their mother, who had flown to Alaska, but they were interrupted by Owen's agents who explained that they rescued El and took her away to help her regain her powers and defeat a new evil in Hawkins. The brothers turned up the volume on Jonathan's stereo and began jamming together. Obviously this makes no sense, since he's well aware of his deadbeat dad's attitude and lack of concern for his children and ex-wife. he's generally pretty quiet but can and will talk for england once he's comfortable with you if you'd let him usually about music or photography and it's so endearing he apologises after rambling but you love it and would happily listen for hours of course he's constantly taking photos of you he has a few of his favourites on his wall ", "I saw this girl, you know, trying to be someone else. He is Joyce and Lonnie Byers's oldest son, older brother of Will Byers, and the Boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler. What's going on in Alaska? This page summarizes crowd sourced ratings of their personality collected from users of the Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz. After moving to Lenora Hills, California with his family, Jonathan met Argyle and because they were both considered to be outsiders at Lenora Hills High School, the two became close friends. He also helped Jonathan and his younger siblings carpool to school since Jonathan's car broke down. A month later, Nancy and Jonathan have become an official couple. When Jonathan answered the door, two police officers had arrived to arrest El for attacking Angela. A month later, Jonathan playfully used a video camera to record his mother and Will practice dancing for the Snow Ball. In 1986, Jonathan had grown to be more carefree and relaxed upon meeting his new best friend, Argyle, beginning to smoke weed with him daily and hiding it from his mother by wearing sunglasses. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Steve has made such a transformation into the unofficial mom of the group (particularly since most of the Hawkins moms and dads are absent from the action) that it only makes Jonathan's impotence as a character so much more glaring. The next morning, Joyce, Hopper, and Jonathan went to see Will's corpse at the morgue. I think Jonathan is just anxious/has anxiety (Joyce is outright said to have anxiety and Jonathan is said to take after his mother). He prefers to communicate using pictures rather than words. He didnt want to chase a dream with Nancy that wasnt his, and further revealed that he was planning on ending things with Nancy, believing that if Nancy followed him, she would grow bitter and the pairs relationship would form into Joyce and Lonnies poor marriage. Jonathan was hired by Tom Holloway to be a photographer for the Hawkins Post. The two began to bond over their mutual goal of finding their brother and friend respectively and become close. British actor Charlie Heaton plays awkward teenager Jonathan Byers in Netflix's Stranger Things. Whether Charlie Heaton is dreamy or not, his character doesn't really deserve the kind of love fans throw at him, and it doesn't make sense to make him and Nancy #relationshipgoals at all. By 1986, however, the car had broken down. Will asked if he always had to record everything, and Jonathan smugly said that he only recorded the "good stuff". peltz shoes fort myers. When talking to Will in his bedroom, he noticed Will drawing himself as "Zombie Boy". During this, Jonathan profusely apologizes to Nancy, and they reconcile. Coupled with the fact that he's not a violent person, it makes no sense that he would attack Steve Harrington when the teen has some choice words about his involvement in his brother's disappearance. autistic jonathan and will byers masterpost: Log in Sign up. Jonathan greeted Mike and introduced him to his new friend, Argyle. I have aspergers syndrome (a form of high functioning autism) and I can't help but feel that Jonathan acts and thinks the way someone with aspergers would. At the beginning of spring break, Jonathan was put in charge by his mother of watching over Will, Mike, and Eleven as she had to go to a "conference" in Alaska. Not only does he support him with his words, but by hugging him . Joyce, noticing Jonathan sobbing quietly, asked him what was wrong. Though Joyce deeply cared for her eldest son just as she did for Will, she felt guilty that she had been unable to support him more, due to her time-consuming job. However, Jonathan trusted Argyle enough to actually reveal he got an acceptance letter for Lenora Hills Community College, where Argyle was going, and that he had no intentions of leaving Lenora. When learning of a new evil threatening Hawkins from Agents Ellen Stinson, Wallace, and Harmon, Jonathan grew concerned for Nancy's safety and decided to escape from the agents and return to Hawkins to save her. As Will began to tear up, Jonathan told his brother that he loved him and that no matter what, nothing would change that. Jonathan Byers Descriptive Personality Statistics Jonathan Byers is a character from Stranger Things. Jonathan said that Will shouldn't be forced to like things because people tell him to, especially not their father. Other relations Six months later, in 1985, Jonathan and Steve reunited when El saved Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Erica from guards at the Starcourt Mall. Jonathan Byers is one of the main characters of the Stranger Things franchise. Also, Jonathan is not the social kind and is referred often as a "freak" by the other kids at school. In October, Will and Jonathan silently drove together as they (and Joyce with Eleven) moved out of Hawkins, with Will crying in silence. ( I know this last sentece might sound stupid, but I dont know how to explain it). Jonathan jokingly asked if he was lame, and Will said that he wasn't, but it wasn't like Nancy was watching Mike. By 1986, Will was starting to be inadvertently ignored by Jonathan due to him stressing about college and his relationship with Nancy, coping by smoking weed with Argyle. The next day, Jonathan, Mike, and Will all agreed to escape from the watch of Agents Wallace and Harmon to find El and return to Hawkins to save their friends. He is the oldest son of Joyce Byers, the older brother of Will Byers, the eventual boyfriend of Nancy Wheeler, and the best friend of Argyle . In 1984, Jonathan and Mike met up again after escaping from Hawkins National Laboratory when a pack of Demodogs massacred nearly everyone in the lab. Jonathan is the son of Joyce Byers, and the brother of Will Byers, who goes missing in Hawkins, Indiana. Lenora Hills, California (1985 - present): Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a main character in Stranger Things. We can only guess at what was said after his father left, but we already know the rumors about his brother and himself. Jonathan's not particularly social but not because he doesn't understand others. The day Will's dad left , him and Jonathan built Castle Byers all night in the pouring rain. When Mike and Max argued about Eleven's well-being and independence, Jonathan did not jump into the argument and in the end, he looked shocked when Mike blurted out his love for El. It was then revealed Jonathan planned to attend community college so he can remain close to Will and his family instead of attending college with Nancy as he did not want to abandon them. i'm normal about jonathan byers. Jonathan has shown to be very aware of others' feelings and showed genuine empathy towards his mother, Nancy, and especially Will. Some have argued that Jonathan took the photos out of either envy of the normal night the teens were having when his own was a nightmare, or that taking the photos themselves helped to ease some of the photographer's stress. Whenever Nancy was abused or humiliated by her misogynistic co-workers, Jonathan did his best to support and comfort her. 16 (Season One)17 (Season Two & Three) 18 (Season Four) When they reunite, Johnathan and Nancy lovingly embrace and apologize to one another, both of them explaining valid reasons for their absence and silence. A year later, in 1984, Jonathan has become protective of Will, but not nearly as much as his mother. I, like, really miss it. Alive Up until the fourth season, Jonathan drove a 1971 Ford Galaxie 500. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Jonathan and Steve initially had a strained relationship due to being polar opposites both in terms of popularity and personality. Jonathan isn't shy about telling people his opinions and making sure he's different from everyone else. Two days later, Jonathan and the others returned to Hawkins, with Jonathan embracing Nancy, leaving Steve visibly hurt as Robin comforted him. However, there are some autistic traits that Jonathan Byers from the Netflix show Stranger Things displays which could suggest that he is on the spectrum. Charlie Heaton Jonathan reveals to Argyle he got accepted to Lenora Hills Community College and is struggling to break the news to Nancy, saying he doesn't want her to follow him and ruin her life while also not wanting to go to Emerson to chase a dream that isn't his. When asked by Nancy about receiving his college acceptance letter, Jonathan lied to her, saying he did not get it and seemed relieved when Nancy assured their relationship was still fine. Not only does he have the experience to know his dad won't be of any help, but Hopper's power as the chief of police would be much more compelling to get a man like Lonnie to talk. When they were attacked by a Flayed Tom and Bruce, Jonathan and Nancy did their best to protect each other. By Erika Hayasaki On 02/18/15 at 6:30 AM EST. Relationship status I don't think so, photography is more of just his interest rather than a special one. El assisted Jonathan in saving Nancy from the melted form of Bruce Lowe and Tom Holloway. Portrayal In 1984, Jonathan's personality managed to change a little bit. Steve/Nancy/El/Lucas Relator Disabled + autistic Jargyle + Lumax >>> Reuniting with Nancy, the two are happy yet seem in denial that their relationship doesn't have any problems, with Jonathan fibbing to Nancy that his acceptance letter has yet to arrive. Will flatly said he would as he trudged in, and Jonathan was shown to be somewhat concerned. When you capture the right moment, it says more. Biographical information This man has a hobby, he must be autistic. When Jonathan argues with Hopper about contacting Lonnie regarding Will's whereabouts, it almost seems like Jonathan doesn't even know his own father. At dinner, El glared at Jonathan when he unintentionally brought up the incident in front of Joyce and Murray. Jonathan is the older brother of Will, who went missing in season 1, and the son of Joyce Byers. Later, Jonathan got an idea to ask Argyle for his help in taking him, Mike, and Will across the country back to Indiana to find Eleven and save their friends in Hawkins. We are privy to several moments they share together, indicating their brotherly bond. Initially he developed as a normal child. Jonathan then rescued him and Robin by having them get into Nancys car as the Mind Flayer began to chase them. He's very aware of others emotional state and how to offer the appropriate emotional response. Jonathan thinking he can go talk to his dad is just stupid. In the Surfer Boy Pizza van, El said that they needed to get to Hawkins as soon as possible since their friends were in danger, but Jonathan informed her that it was impossible since the drive would be over 2,000 miles. Initially dismissing his mother's claims of something supernatural having claimed Will, Jonathan then realizes that she may not be delusional after all when Nancy Wheeler claims that her best friend Barbara Holland disappeared too; and saw man with no face at the site of her disappearance. 109 Fans. ", "You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body? The main "problem" with him is kinda the neglect of his dad, that's why he is kinda shy, because he didn't had a normal dad figure in front of him. note: family trees are only visible on desktop. When Steve climbed up to Nancys room and discovered Jonathan comforting Nancy, he took out his anger the next day by spray-painting slurs of Nancy and Jonathan on Hawkins movie theatre and walls. Jonathan was put in charge by his mother to take care of Will. Arriving at the Wheelers, Jonathan stopped Will and told him that if he didn't get in any trouble and got back to Mike's by 9:00, Jonathan would allow him to go trick-or-treating alone. However, Jonathan did not support his mother's relationship with Bob Newby as he did not understand what she saw in him. In turn, Jonathan apologized for not being there for Will, saying that he had been distant due to prioritizing his silly antics, and promises Will that hell always be there for him and love him no matter what, causing Will to weep and embrace him. It also makes no sense for everyone to chalk this up to him fighting over Nancy, since he didn't even sock Steve over his spray paint or comments about Nancy, but over his comments about Jonathan's family. Also, Jonathan is not the social kind and is referred often as a "freak" by the other kids at school. Many viewers of the third season of Stranger Things felt like its problems could have been summed up in a single sentence: This is what happens when men don't listen to women. When discovering that Vecna was only one kill away to invading Hawkins, Steve had Max attempt to make contact with Jonathan and the others in Lenora Hills via phone, only with no results. He doesn't talk much at all and avoids anything. Later, they tried to book a flight to Hawkins to save their friends from Hawkins, but when that failed, Jonathan and Mike worked together in building a sensory deprivation tank so Eleven could use her powers to fight Vecna in Max's mind. In the summer of 1985, Jonathan and Nancy have gotten summer jobs as interns for the Hawkins Post. When they found the number Harmon gave them that would help find El's location, Jonathan, Mike, and Will went to call the number, only to realize they were calling a computer. Steve coldly left with his posse as Jonathan fell to the ground to scrap his camera up. Two days later, Jonathan and Mike returned to Hawkins together where they reunited with their friends and loved ones before working together to rebuild Hopper's cabin. Concerned, Jonathan attempted to get Will to open up, but a frustrated Will said that he's grown sick of everyone becoming so attentive of him, saying it makes him feel more like a freak. When Nancy discovered Mrs. Driscoll's behavior in the hospital was near identical to Will's the year prior, she called Jonathan and asked if Will was safe, alarming Jonathan. When Jonathan and Nancy learned about the Flayed, along with the kids, and tried to visit Mrs. Driscoll at the hospital, Tom, possessed by the Mind Flayer, tried to kill Jonathan and Nancy, with the help of Bruce Lowe. The next morning, Jonathan attempted to coax Will and Mike to go see a showing of Police Academy 3 and not mope around, but Will said it would be better to stay home. The brothers are very close, and you would think that they would have some sort of routine in the morning. When Joyce discovered that Lonnie only returned to Hawkins to get lawsuit money off of Will's death, Lonnie lied by saying they could use the money for Jonathan's college fund, only to reveal that he didn't even know that Jonathan wanted to go to NYU since he was six. Jonathan later hung posters of his brother at Hawkins High. He does so much for his family and his group of friends, often more than what is asked or expected of him. In 1986, though Jonathan continued to have a good relationship with his mother, he began to smoke weed to deal with his stress over college and his relationship with Nancy. This is one of the syndrome of aspergers where kids would become obsessed with a certain topic. OP, please make sure there are no spoilers in the title of your post. Once the melted corpses of Tom and Bruce merged into a monster, Jonathan tried to save Nancy when it attacked her before the Party came to her rescue. Jonathan attempted to explain that he was looking for his brother, but Steve corrected him by calling it stalking, becoming angered when discovering a picture of Nancy in her bra. Tom fought Jonathan and nearly killed him with scissors until he felt Bruce's pain of getting hit by a fire hydrant by Nancy. Student at Hawkins High School (1982-1985)Intern at The Hawkins Post (1985) Student at Lenora Hills High School (1985-) When dropping off the kids at the Rink-O-Mania, Jonathan called out to Will, smiling as he told him to have fun. After the pair smoked weed to de-stress, they returned to Rink-O-Mania to find an ambulance attending to Angela's broken nose, with Mike, Will, and El sitting glumly. In the fall of 1983, Jonathan took it upon himself to investigate Lonnie's home in Indianapolis, frustrated over his father's lack of urgency that Will was missing and coldly gave him a missing flyer poster. A month later, after Will's rescue, Jonathan was given a Christmas present from Nancy and was upset on getting Nancy nothing, but Nancy told him it didn't matter and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jonathan Byers, portrayed by Charlie Heaton, is a main character in Stranger Things. The way you described it is fine. RELATED: Stranger Things Characters Sorted Into Their Hogwarts Houses. Dating Nancy Wheeler Jonathan succeeds in finding his brother with the help of his mother, Nancy Wheeler, Will's friends, Jim Hopper, Eleven. It's obvious to most people that Will has something wrong with him now that he's returned from the Upside Down. The disappearance of a young boy sparks a chain of events leading the residents of the small town of Hawkins to uncover a government conspiracy and a supernatural mystery which will not only shatter all semblance of normality, but also threaten their very existence. He has a strong bond with his family and is implied to have a soft spot for animals, as he cried for a week after his tenth birthday when his father forced him to kill a rabbit on a hunting trip. After discovering the Mind Flayer's true plan, Jonathan protected Mike and his friends when the Mind Flayer's avatar attacked them. Two days later, after temporarily defeating Vecna, Jonathan and Will returned to Hawkins where they reunited with their friends and worked to rebuild Hopper's cabin before they happily reunited with their mother. favourite thing about them Again I say, uhhh, everything??? Though the Byers have been distant for a while, physically holding each other here serves to solidify Jonathan's words to Will. Don't see where I'm coming from? In the summer of 1985, Jonathan and Eleven worked together alongside Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, and Nancy in taking down the Mind Flayer and Billy. is jonathan byers autistic. After Nancy got drunk and hurt Steve's feelings, Jonathan took Nancy home and told her what happened the next day. Of course, Jonathan didn't know this. As an artist, he ought to have known better in many circumstances, and given his temperament and personality, many of his actions simply don't make a whole lot of sense. Jonathan Byers, Will's sensitive and troubled older brother in the Netflix hit Stranger Things, has definitely been forced to grow up too quickly, both from his lower-middle class upbringing and broken home to the terrible events that ultimately forced his family to move away from Hawkins in the third season of the show. The Debate Over an Autism Cure Turns Hostile. Jonathan was not treated with disdain by Tom or any of his other co-workers as they focused their bullying on Nancy for being the only female journalist at the Post. He's a responsible son and brother most of the time. Before joining the kids to catch up with the monster, Jonathan checked on Nancy and made sure she was not hurt. While it does make sense that Jonathan feared losing his job, that didn't mean he had to scoff at Nancy's theories. Autistic Stranger Things iconsplease reblog if you save! Too much on her mind to hear some validation for what she'd experienced? Will asked then why does he always hang out with him, causing Jonathan to say that his brother is his best friend, and he'd rather hang out with "Zombie Boy" than some "boring nobody". Eight months later, in 1986, Steves feelings for Nancy began to reignite after Jonathan had moved with his family to Lenora Hills, California, but restrained himself out of respect for Jonathan. He asked Will who he'd rather hang out with: Kenny Rogers or David Bowie. When Argyle has a panic attack in the desert after burying the agent, Jonathan shook his reluctant friends and told him to calm down, reminding him of Purple Palm Tree Delight. In 1984, Jonathan met Murray Bauman when arriving at his warehouse with Nancy to confess that Hawkins Lab was responsible for the death of Nancy's best friend, Barbara Holland. 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