how many wives did prophet yusuf have

But thou wilt never believe us even if we tell the truth. 10. He is the former Executive Manager and Editor-in-Chief of E-Da`wah Committee in Kuwait, and a contributing writer and counselor of Reading Islam. Distressed, Zulaika planned to prove to them her helpless reaction to Yusufs extraordinary handsomeness. When Yaqub learnt of his youngest sons predicament he wept and wept until he became blind. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid Such portrayals are found in many genres of Islamic literatures, but are most famous in Nr al-Dn Abd al-Ramn Dijm's [q.v.] Joseph eventually died in Egypt. 5114). . He was the custodian of . End quote. She then warned Yusuf that if he denied her again he would be imprisoned, to which Yusuf replied, My Lord, prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. That night Zulaika convinced her husband that the only way to safeguard her honor and his prestige was to imprison Yusuf. Did Prophet Muhammad marry a child? Prophet Yusuf (AS) had 11 brothers. They envied Yusuf because they felt he was special and they were not. According to most sources she was about 40 and Muhammad about 25 when they married. There are more than one hundred verses, and in totality, they encompass many years and "present an amazing variety of sciences and characters in a tightly-knit plot, and offer a dramatic illustration of some of the fundamental themes of the Qurn. abari demonstrates this by adding that they said to each other, "verily Joseph and his brother (Benjamin) are dearer to our father than we are, though we may be a troop ('usbah). A medieval Arabic verse retelling of the Qur'anic Joseph story also exists. He was the custodian of storehouse in Egypt. However, if you face any difficult verses, please feel free to contact us to explain them to you. The Quran tells the stories of the prophets in order to makeProphet Muhammads heart firm and for us to draw lessons from their lives. [57], Joseph is one of the most revered men in Islamic history. They were awarded a warm reception. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Two further references to Isra'il are believed to be mentions of Jacob.Jacob in Islam. And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, the place where the king's prisoners were bound; and he was there in the prison. Certainly, the whole story is a trial from Allah for Prophet Yusuf. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married the following women : Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her)was the first of the Prophets wives. (Al-Bukhari) Khadijah was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad, whom she met as a widow of a wealthy merchant but had become prosperous in her own right. Umm Habibah bint Abi Sufyan The sons returned to Egypt once again. Yusuf knew by just focusing on being the best he could, treating people right and with respect, doing more than what was requested that Allah would take care of him. Also Al-Aziz himself did not object to his wifes advice and threw Yusuf in prison. Then will come after that a year in which the people will be given rain and in which they will press [olives and grapes]., Amazed, the king ordered Yusuf to be presented before him. [44] But in the narration of Yusuf in the Bible, the titles King (Hebrew: Melekh) and Pharaoh are used interchangeably for the ruler of Egypt in Genesis chapters 3941. Yusuf AS grew into adulthood both physically and spiritually, trained and guided by his Lord, who said, And when Yusuf AS reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge. ", The Qurn continues with Joseph's brothers plotting to kill him. The Qur'anic narrative about Joseph is perhaps one of the Book's most detailed accounts of the life and deeds of a prophet. Yusuf was overjoyed at the sight of his companion and knew that this was indeed the plan of Allah. [43] abari inserts an interesting interaction between Joseph and the angel Gabriel in which Gabriel helps Joseph both gain his freedom and admit to his own desires.[40]. When the women were happily chatting away while slicing fruits, Zulaika summoned Yusuf. All his children were born to her, except Ibrahim. [38], This account refers to the interaction between Joseph and the ruler of Egypt. Allah compensated him with some one better, as Yoosuf al-Siddeeq avoided the In difficult situations, we should put our trust in God and seek refuge in Him. When they finally reached the well, on the pretext of drinking water they led him to it, grabbed him, and removed his shirt. Thus, Yusufs innocence was proven. O ye chiefs! Good news! The wife of the minister then added her testimony. He reminded her of her husbands favors on him. (Quran 12:7). The story begins with a dream and ends with its interpretation. "[37] It is possible that Zolay had influence here, rebuking her husband for having her honor threatened. Muhammad at-abari provides detailed commentary of this narrative in his chapter on Joseph, relaying the opinions of well-known scholars. Then will come after that seven difficult [years] which will consume what you advanced [saved] for them, except a little from which you will store. Which was made accessible in Hebrew transliteration and are preserved in various libraries in Europe, America and in Jerusalem. Yusuf immediately recognized his brothers and provided for them, but kept his identity disguised. Many scholars of Islam report this point in the story as being central (contrasting to other religious traditions) to Joseph's story. Jacob becomes a prototype of the mystic lover of God and Zolay goes from temptress to a lover moving from human to divine love. How many wives Prophet Yaqub had? Can you please tell me, how many wives our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) had, with their names and reference from the Sunnah? It was the same shirt that was sent from paradise. On seeing this, the wife of Al-Aziz told the gathering that this is the man you blamed me for. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Tasbih Counter People of the Book and do not disbelieve them. Unfortunately, there are many countries that allow men to practice adultery but prohibit polygamy. "(Jacob) said: "Really it saddens me that ye should take him away: I fear lest the wolf should devour him while ye attend not to him. Having come through an especially noble line of patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Joseph too was awarded the gift of prophecy like his forefathers. Yusuf (Arabic: , Ysuf; Arabic synonym of "Joseph") is the 12th chapter of the Quran and has 111 Ayahs (verses). Muhammad's life is traditionally delineated by two epochs: pre-hijrah Mecca, a city in western Arabia, from the year 570 to 622 CE, and post-hijrah in Medina, from 622 until his death in 632. Islam Q&A, The Prophets dream about marrying Aaishah. He took their solemn oath to safeguard him. divorced her), We gave her to you in marriage, so that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of (the marriage of) the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (i.e. It was torn in the back so Azz reprimands his wife for lying. Zulaikha eventually diagnoses the root cause of her disease when she says: Yusuf is believed to have been the eleventh son of Ya'qub (Arabic: ), and, according to many scholars, his favorite. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "Do not believe the People of the Book and do not disbelieve them. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Chapter 27: One who gives up his beloved to avoid a haraam Zolay is said to have then ripped the back of Joseph's shirt and they raced with one another to the door where her husband was waiting. (12:96). Zulaikha, like you and I, was not. End quote from Rawdat al-Muhibbeen, p. 445, This does not mean that this story is definitively true; The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Zaynab bint Khuzaymah (may Allah be pleased with her)in Ramadan, thirty-one months after the Hijrah. The words when he was in ihram are a mistake. Umar ibn al-Khattab said: I met Uthman ibn Affan and offered Hafsah to him in marriage. Another example of Persian expansion of the language is when the brother's realize that Joseph is going to keep Benjamin in Egypt. 'best (or most beautiful) of stories')." authority to Yoosuf (Joseph) in the land, to take possession therein, when The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". If his shirt is torn from the front, then she has told the truth, and he is of the liars, advised the cousin. Let us kill Joseph or cast him to the ground, so that your father's face will be toward you, and after him you will be a community of the truthful. This was regarded as more likely by Ibn al-Qayyim in Zad al-Ma'ad. The water drawer hauled up his bucket and was shocked to see the handsome boy clinging onto the rope. The theme of love seeps into more than just the story of Yusuf and Zulaikhah. When the people came to know of that, they set free their own prisoners, so as to honour the in-laws of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). and more. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt. [3], Yusuf is believed to have been the eleventh son of Ya'qub (Arabic: ), and, according to many scholars, his favorite. During this period, Yusuf was confronted with his second trial. After that, a year will come that brings relief for the people, and they will, once again, press juice." abari says that this means that "from the truth of the interpretation of Joseph's dream in which he saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon bowing down to him, he knew that which they did not know. She then had Joseph walk through and distract the women who cut themselves with the knives. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. We should be sure that there is always a way out for the believers. [6], The story of Joseph in the Qurn is a continuous narrative. The Holy Qur'an has mentioned his story in a beautiful chapter entitled . him humbly asking for a halaal relationship, so he married her and when he Muhammad ibn Ishaaq (may Allah have mercy on him) who said: With regard to Yoosuf saying to the King, So he appointed him instead of Itfeer and Lesson: Prophet Yusuf from his dream knew he was destined for greatness but it seemed at every turn of his life he was met with difficulties and adversity. "[77], Ibn Kathir uses Joseph's resistance to Zolay as a basis for the prophetic statement about men who are saved by God because they fear Him. 'the Castle of Joseph', is located. "The king addressed him in 70 languages, and each time Joseph answered him in that language. he made my sojourn agreeable! One dreamt that he was serving the king wine and the other was carrying bread on his head which two birds were eating up. Islam Q&A, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in And she was very reluctant to give him back to Jacob and kept him until her death. [39], Joseph had asked the one whom he knew would be released (abari writes that his name was Nabu) to mention his case to the king. Tabaqat Ibn Sad, narrating from al-Waqidi, 8/52-53; Ibn Kathir in al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah, 3/149. Yusuf, still a young boy, awoke one glorious morning delighted by a pleasant dream he just had. God answered his prayer and protected him from their plot. It does not store any personal data. abari notes, "if someone else acquired it by guile from the person who was supposed to have it, then he would become absolutely subject to the will of the rightful owner. "[70] The love story itself is also a central theme in Sufi discussions. Juwayriyah bint al-Harith (may Allah be pleased with her)fell prisoner to the Muslims during the battle of Banul-Mustalaq, and she came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to ask him to help her to manumit herself and buy her freedom. How many wives did Prophet Yusuf have? Joseph prayed to God and said that he would prefer prison to the things that Zolay and her friends wanted. The brothers eventually outpowered Yusuf and threw him down the well and rushed back home. indeed has Allah preferred thee above us, and we certainly have been guilty of sin!"He said: "This day let no reproach be (cast) on you: Allah will forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!" (Yusuf 91-92) THE PROPHET YAQUB AND HIS SONS Allah sent Hz. Joseph said, "What you cultivate during the next seven years, when the time of harvest comes, leave the grains in their spikes, except for what you eat. All his children were born to her, except Ibrahim. Jacob insists that they bring Benjamin back and this time the brothers are honest when they swear to it. The Prophet Yaqub (Peace be upon Him) had great affection for them. Zulaika chased after him in desperation and grabbed his shirt from the back which caused his shirt to rip. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Sawdah bint Zamah ibn Qays (may Allah be pleased with her) in the tenth year of his Prophethood. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The caravan peopleimmediately shackled Yusuf and took him along to Egypt. rewarded him for the hardship of prison and gave him full authority in the The Qurn, however, reminds human beings to remain focused on submission to God."[78]. Some commentators give the chief ministers wife the name of Zulaikhah. "[73] Thus, similar styles in meter and form translated easily between the two. When the other brothers inform Jacob of what has happened, Jacob does not believe them and becomes blind after crying much over the disappearance of his son. They lie and say that the one most loved by their father, meaning Joseph, died in the desert. [61], According to Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, a great grandson of Muhammad and prominent source of Hadith during his time, Yusuf was among the righteous servants and safe in the world from becoming an adulterer and immoral one. Yusuf, however, refused to leave prison until his innocence was proved. Firestone notes, "His beauty was so exceptional that the behavior of the wife of al-Azz is forgiven, or at least mitigated, because of the unavoidably uncontrollable love and passion that his countenance would rouse in her. Hijrah refers to the mass migration of Muhammad and his followers to Medina due to persecution faced by Muslims in Mecca. entered upon her he said: This is better than what you wanted. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Qibla Direction How many daughter prophet yusuf haVE? The news of this incident spread in the city. Did ALLAAH's prophet YUSUF(AS) later marry the same woman who had tried seducing/tempting him, please support with sources if yes!?. 'wolf') might hurt him. She hired Muhammad as a business agent but soon came to see him as a suitable husband. [69], Storytelling becomes more prominent in Persian tafsirs. Most importantly, though, Joseph is admired as a great preacher of the Islamic faith, who had an extremely strong commitment to God and one who tried to get people to follow the path of righteousness. And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. Two of them died during the lifetime of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), namely Khadijah and Zaynab bint Khuzaymah (may Allah be pleased with them both). This report is not authentically attributed to the Prophet and is probably narrated from the Bani Israel (a similar report is recorded in their scripture 1 Kings 11:3), so it may or may not be correct. He is extolled in f manuals such as that of Ab Nar al-Sarrdj's K. al-Luma as a paragon of forgiveness. [51] The Qurn itself elaborates that Jacob sensed Joseph. He resorted to prayer for comfort for he knew that only Allah could ease his pain. 'Friend of God'). (Quran11:120). He then gives the brothers the supplies he promised but also put the king's cup into one of the bags. Unlike the references to the Pharaoh in the account of Musa, the account of Joseph refers to the Egyptian ruler as a malik (Arabic: , lit. Indeed, he is my master, who has made good my residence. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Mustansir Mir shows Joseph's story as a vindication of God's dominion and the continual fulfillment of his will. Prophet Yusuf (AS) was the son of Prophet Ya'qub (AS). The king thus summoned the women relating to Yusufs incident. refers to a medieval Islamic version of the story of the prophet Yusuf and Potiphar's wife which has been for centuries in the Muslim world, and is found in many languages such as Arabic . Views : And it was said that she was a concubine. Thus, Yusufs innocence was proven. He was confused and unsure of whom to believe. And they claimed that [13] Ya'qub foresaw that Yusuf would be one through whom the prophecy of his grandfather, Ibrahim (Abraham), would be fulfilled, in that his offspring would keep the light of Abraham's house alive and spread God's message to mankind. It is clear to us that she has gone astray. When she heard their malicious talk, she prepared a banquet and sent for them, giving each of them a knife. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. So see how was the end of al-Mufsidin (Arabic: , "the Mischief-makers" or "the Corrupters"). According to the Encyclopedia of Iranic, much of this comes from the Esra'Illiyat, that is, traditions drawn from the body of knowledge about Biblical events and people shared by Christians, Jews, and early Muslims. The noblest, the most exalted, the greatest of them was Joseph." [4] This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Katheer suggested that Zulaykha was her title. Prophet Stories expound to me my vision, if it be that ye can interpret visions.". The following versesgive us more details: {Some women of the city said, The governors wife is trying to seduce her slave! Islamic Teachings He therefore warned Yusuf against relating his dream to his brothers, lest they plot for his downfall. Indeed, prophet Yusuf was aware that adultery is a grave sin and those who commit it will never prosper and be saved from punishment. Islamic Dictionary Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Do not believe the But when the messenger came to him, He (Joseph) said: "Return to your lord and ask him, 'What happened to the women who cut their hands? Narrated by al-Bukhari, 1832; Muslim, 1410. He was one of the youngest and possessed excellent character and manners. One day the king of Egypt had an odd dream. But God knoweth well all that they do.The (Brethren) sold him for a miserable price, for a few dirhams counted out: in such low estimation did they hold him!The man in Egypt who bought him, said to his wife: "Make his stay (among us) honourable: maybe he will bring us much good, or we shall adopt him as a son." Al-Azeez was a fair man. Hence, she invited these women to a banquet at her residence one day. Log in, Join our e-mail list for regular site news and updates, All Rights Reserved for Islam Q&A 1997-2023. Although the wife of Al-Aziz confessed her guilt in front of all these women, they remained silent and did not defend Yusuf. Commentators give different interpretations of this statement. Tabari's commentary on Joseph presents numerous sources representing different traditions. Some of the scholars have recorded that he had 1000 women consisting of 300 wives and 700 concubines. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. If You do not protect me from their treachery, I shall yield to them and do wrong, and his Lord answered his prayer and protected him from their treachery He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.} The women looked up at him. They raced for the door she tore his shirt from behind and at the door they met her husband. Abu Dawud (2107) narrated from Urwah from Umm Habibah (may Allah be pleased with her) that she was married to Ubayd-Allah ibn Jahsh, who died in Abyssinia. Joseph reminded the prisoners that his ability to interpret dreams was a favor from God based on his adherence to monotheism. Narrated by al-Bukhari, 371. A similar report was narrated from Zayd ibn Aslam, the great For the Bosnian professional basketball player, see, Last edited on 16 February 2023, at 18:47, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, personal reflection, personal essay, or argumentative essay, The meaning of Joseph's story in the Qur'an from the standpoint of his dream,, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 18:47. Hence, she asked Yusuf to show himself to these women and because of his beauty they cut their hands. Tabari and others are not reticent to point out that Joseph was mutually attracted to her. When he took it out of its covering in Egypt, Jacob (Ya'qub) felt its fragrance as he said, "I smell Joseph's scent. I said: If you wish, I will marry Hafsah bint Umar to you. She closed the doors and made the environment suitable for her purpose. [55], Historically, some Muslims also associated Joseph's Tomb with that of the biblical figure. "[33] It is also said that after the death of Azz, Joseph married Zolay.[32]. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married her when he was twenty-five years old, and he did not take another wife until after she died. 4. She abandoned her palace and wandered in the streets of the city. Al-Azeez apologised for his wifes indecency and swore Yusuf to secrecy. His brother Benjamin was equally pleasant and both were from the same mother, Rachel. Yusuf initially called them to Allah, then interpreted, The wife of Al-Azeez was trapped. Names of Prophet Yaqub's Wives. And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. It is said to be the most detailed narrative in the Qur'an and contains more details than the Biblical counterpart. Reference: Fath al-Bari After some time, however, their needs pressed Yaqub to send Binyamin with them for more provisions. Indeed, the only story that is mentioned once and in one complete chapter is the story of Prophet Joseph, Yusuf (peace be upon him). 11. It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married Maymunah when he was in ihram. She thought she loved him but he told her that she should honour her husband. They claimed that he found her a virgin and he had As the offsprings of his other wives were jealous of Prophet Yusuf (Peace be upon Him) they hatched out a plan to separate Yusuf (peace be upon Him) from his father. Such as that of Ab Nar al-Sarrdj 's K. al-Luma as a suitable husband, Muslims... 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