city of kenova ordinances

(EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section for general Code penalty if no specific penalty is provided.) (a) Whoever violates any provision of this Part Five - General Offenses Code for which no other penalty is provided shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Impounding - and Penalty In the event the Municipal Court determines the towing improper the City shall bear the expenses of towing and storage. No person shall, when required by the Police Chief or any other officer, refuse or neglect to assist him in the execution of his office in a criminal case, in the preservation of the peace or in the apprehension or securing of any person for a breach of the peace or in any case of escape or rescue. Garbage cans to be accessible. Such deposit shall not be more than one-twelfth (1112) of the annual estimated charge for residential service and one-sixth (116) for all other service. If the structure has been damaged, and is being restored, before the damage occurred Replacement, 376 BUILDING AND HOUSING CODE 8 (2) For the purpose of this definition, "substantial improvement" is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimension of the structure. Beginning with the Council elected in 1987 and continuing thereafter, all members of Council shall be paid a fixed sum for each regular or special Council meeting attended not to exceed the annual salary limit which sum and limit shall be set in the adopted budget. No person shall for himself or any other person, buy, sell, transfer or have in his possession for the purpose of sale or with intent to exchange, negotiate or transfer, or aid in selling, exchanging, negotiating or transferring a chance or ticket, or a share of a ticket, in a lottery or any such writing, certificate, bill, token or device. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for City Of Kenova Water Office locations in Lavalette, WV. (b) Except as may herein be expressly provided, whoever violates any provision of this article shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars ($200.00), or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Working condition fringe benefits. (Ord ; ) 1995 Replacement, 313 BUSINESS AND TAXATION CODE PUBLIC SERVICE OR UTILITY BUSINESS. (Wac 17C-10-6) 1998 Replacement, 186 8 3 Pedestrians PEWNS WORKING ON STREETS AND HIGHWAYS. SECTION 7.7 TERMS. The license period shall begin on July 1 of each year and end on June 30 of the following year, and if granted for a less period, the tax shall be computed quarterly in proportion to the remainder of the fiscal year. (Ord ) PENALTY. However, written notice shall not be required if the date, time and place of a special meeting has been fixed at a regular meeting or if all members are in attendance at the special meeting. House trailers, either mobile or immobile, located on sites other than as park or court, shall be billed in the same manner as any other family or business unit. Person selling out or quitting business; lien liability. (b) Military Personnel. The holder or payee of any such check, draft or note shall relinquish the check, draft or order to the maker upon tender of the full amount due at any time before a complaint for warrant has been presented to municipal court. The secretary shall send notice of any special meeting, including the time, date and place of the meeting, at least two days in advance of such special meeting. (Wac ) PROFANE SWEARING AND DRUNKENNESS. 2.4 Bonds. Definitions. (a) Any person, against whom an order or decision of the Clerk-Treasurer or his representative has been adversely affected relating to the granting or the canceling of a business franchise registration certificate, or any other matter wherein the findings are in the discretion of the Clerk-Treasurer, may appeal from such determination by requesting a hearing before the Clerk-Treasurer or his examiner if such request is made within thirty days from receipt of such order or decision. Neither is it the intent nor effect of this article to condone or legitimize the distribution of obscene materials. In case of emergency, the City shall have the right to restrict the use of any part of the system in any reasonable manner for the protection of the system and the inhabitants of the City. (b) No licensee shall advertise in any news media or other means, outside of the licensee's premises, the fact that alcoholic liquors may be purchased thereat. (2) A person seeking to redeem an impounded vehicle has a right to a hearing to contest the validity of the removal or the amount accrued for removal and storage at a hearing. The Board shall adopt bylaws to include as a minimum the definition of a quorum to conduct business, the date, time and place for regular meetings, and a procedure for calling special meetings. Sec. This strobe light may be installed on the roof of a school bus, a public transportation vehicle, or a vehicle hauling solid waste not to exceed one-third the body length forward from the rear of the roof edge. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass or similar device upon a motor vehicle on a street or highway. If Council fails to act within fifteen days of its receipt of the list, the Mayor shall appoint or employ one of the three persons on said list. The gross income of the taxpayer from any other activity shall be included in the measure of the tax imposed upon the appropriate section or sections of this article. DRIVEWAYS 10-20-390 Definitions. Should a dispute concerning any district boundary arise, an initial determination shall be made by the Permit Officer and any party aggrieved by this decision may appeal to Council. (WVaC 17C-1-17) POLICE OFFICER. (Ord ) BURNING MATERIAL IN GARBAGE CAN PROHIBITED. SECTION 6.8 PROHIBITIONS. (Ord ) REGULATIONS NOT EXCLUSIVE. (WVaC ) ASSAULT AND BATTERY ON SCHOOL EMPLOYEES. In addition to the six members hereinbefore provided for, the Mayor or his designated representative, shall be a member ex-officio of the Beautification Commission, with all of the powers and privileges, including the right to vote, of the other members of such Commission. Art Ordinances and Resolutions. Upon payment of such costs and interest, the owner shall be entitled to a release which also shall be recorded in the office of the County Clerk. Each day such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. No person shall transport any litter by means of a vehicle within the City unless such litter is covered or secured in such manner as to prevent it from being discharged or deposited upon any public or private property, except upon an official City dump or landfill. Vehicles parked on private property Manner of angle and parallel parking Handicapped parking Abandoned motor vehicles Registered owner primafacie liable for unlawful parking Penalty. Ill, Sec. (3) Upon any subsequent conviction in excess of a second conviction under this section, the defendant shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars, or incarcerated in the county jail not less than five days nor more than thirty days, or both fined and imprisoned. Statements made by the person under investigation may not be used as the basis for prosecution under this subsection. (c) For the purposes of this section, "school employee" means a person employed by a county board of education whether employed on a regular full-time basis, an hourly basis or otherwise. Fire Codes Modifications. (WVaC 17C-7-10) DRIVING UPON DIVIDED ROADWAYS. (b) No person under the age of twenty-one years for the purpose of purchasing nonintoxicating beer, shall misrepresent his or her age, or for such purpose present or offer any written evidence of age which is false, fraudulent or not actually his or her own, or shall illegally attempt to purchase nonintoxicating beer. (Ord ) Replacement, 290 3 Sexually Oriented Businesses INJUNCTION. Holiday pay benefits. (c) Whenever a developer intends to alter or relocate a watercourse within the flood plain area, the developer shall notify in writing by certified mail all adjacent communities and the State Coordinating Office of all such intended activities prior to any alteration or relocation of the watercourse, and shall submit copies of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administrator. An act relating to civil penalties for possession of marijuana. All money collected under the provisions of this article shall be paid into the City Treasury by the Clerk-Treasurer and shall be added to and shall constitute a part of the General Fund of the City CREDIT FOR BUSINESS FRANCHISE REGISTRATION TAX AGAINST CERTAIN LICENSE TAXES. 15, Update 2) View what's changed This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. All powers of the City shall be exercised in the manner prescribed by this Charter or by general law. Art. (Wac l7c ) SAFETY EQUIPMENT FOR MOTORCYCLISTS, MOTORCYCLES, MOTOR-DRIVEN CYCLES AND MOPEDS. Water company metered users shall pay three dollars and fifty cents ($3 SO) per month per meter. This article has been established to provide a place for cross references and future legislation. (a) If the majority of the members of the Unsafe Buildings Commission present at such hearing are of the opinion that the building in question is unfit for habitation or is unsafe, unsanitary, dangerous or detrimental to the public welfare, the Commission shall enter an order requiring that such building be closed or demolished, or, in a proper case, setting forth such repairs as are considered necessary in order to make the building reasonably suited for human habitation or to make it safe and sanitary and not dangerous or detrimental to the public. Whoever violates Section shall be fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00); for a second offense fined not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment for not less than six days nor more than thirty days, or both; and for a third and each subsequent offense fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment for not more than thirty days or both. Activity Amusement or music devices: 1 device 2-5 devices devices 1 1 or more devices Rate $ per device per device per device Billiard or pool: First table Each additional table Bowling Alley: First alley Each additional alley Carnivals: For each performance Riding devices Concessions Games of skill Candy or merchandise wheel $ OO per table $ per alley $5.00 per week per week 5.00 per week per week per day Collection agency $ Employment agency $ Fortune telling, palmist, etc. Definitions. Taking, injuring or tampering with vehicle. No camper is to transfer from one spot to another without permission from the Park Board. If denied, the petitioner shall be forthwith notified thereof; if granted, Council shall notify the petitioner of the time and place fixed for such hearing. (WVaC 17B-4-4) REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES OF NEW RESIDENTS. 2.7 OPERATOR'S LICENSE (see DRIVER'S LICENSE) ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Mayor, submission to Chtr. (b) Every such vehicle shall be equipped with not less than two fire extinguishers, filled and ready for immediate use and placed at a convenient point on the vehicle so used. (4) Be accompanied by plans and specifications when required by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. (Wac 17C-15-37) SAFETY GLASS IN MOTOR VEHICLES. (a) No owner, lessee or borrower of a vehicle or combination of vehicles shall operate on any highway such vehicle or combination of vehicles, whether driven by such owner, lessee or borrower, or by some person on behalf of such owner, lessee or borrower, of a size or weight exceeding any limitation stated in this article or West Virginia Code Article 17C-17, or otherwise in violation of any provision of this article or West Virginia Code Article 17C-17, whether such limitation or provision be specifically stated in this article or West Virginia Code Article 17C-17 or set by express authority granted in this article or West Virginia Code Article 17C-17, and the maximum size and weight of Vehicles herein specified shall be lawful throughout this City. No person shall intentionally expose his or her sex organs or anus or the sex organs or anus of another person, or intentionally cause such exposure by another or engage in any overt act of sexual gratification, under circumstances in which the person knows that the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm. After the effective date of this section, except as provided herein, it shall be unlawful for any person to place, keep or maintain any mobile home on any land within the City except in a mobile home park for which a permit has been issued by the Building Inspector. The City shall not accept payment of a water or sewer bill separately, when the customer concerned owes for both water and sewer services. (a) All uniformed personnel, which includes law enforcement officers, firefighters and dispatchers, shall keep their hair in a neat fashion or style so as to maintain and promote a professional appearance and image. (c) Every mobile home park shall be surrounded on all sides, except those sides directly abutting a public street, with a fence not less than six feet high constructed and maintained so as to effectively prevent the passage of persons. 11, Sec reference to law Chtr. (Ord ) PENALTY. The business license fee levied shall be as follows for each location a person holds himself out to engage in or transact business therefrom. unconvicted prisoner Aiding escape and similar terms of confinement. (WVaC 17C-1-3) OWNER. (Ord ) UNSAFE BUILDINGS COMMISSION. (a) As used in this section, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to them in this subsection: (1) A person with a "mobility impairment" means a person who, as determined by a licensed physician: A. CROSS REFERENCES Authority to regulate - see W. Va. Code (37) Park and Recreation Board - see ADM. Art O1 RULES AND REGULATIONS. All Kenova , WV businesses need business licenses because the government needs to ensure conformity with local commercial county, city, state and federal ordinances and statutes. False arrest insurance benefit. Sec. I. Sec. effect of repeal General penalty. Tricycle" means a three-wheeled human-powered vehicle designed for use as a toy by a single child under the age of six years, the seat of which is no more than two feet from the ground level. No person shall place or affix any advertisement, notice, poster or similar article to any public lamppost, public utility pole, public shade tree or upon any public building in the City except as may be authorized or required by law. Imposition of privilege tax. (b) FOE Lam~s. d,- (a) No person under the age of twenty-one years shall purchase, consume, sell, possess or serve wine or other alcoholic liquor. Limitation on number of Drivers prohibited from driver's licenses. The lamps used to display such warning to the fiont shall be mounted at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable and shall display simultaneously flashing white or amber lights, or any shade of color between white and amber. (Wac 2-2-3) (d) Joint Authority. CROSS REFERENCES Authority to regulate - see W.Va. Code B Indecency and Obscenity - see GEN. OFF. (Ord ) TRANSPORTING LITTER. 731.O1 CONFIDENTIALITY OF REPORTS. Such bids shall be opened in public and in the presence of at least three persons, including a representative from the Mayor and City Clerk's office at the time and place stated in the public notices. (Ord ) PRIVATE CLUBS; LICENSE FEE. Delayed Payment Penalty. The lamps used to display such warning to the rear shall be mounted at the same level and as widely spaced laterally as practicable, and shall show simultaneously flashing or illuminated purple lights. Art Boards and Commissions Generally. Applications shall be filed not less than five days before the time intended for such parade, procession or assemblage. CITY OF KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN ORDINANCE NO. Such tax shall be levied upon the purchaser of such intoxicating liquor or wine, and shall be added to any collected with the retail purchase price of such intoxicating liquor or wine. Such other business purposes will not serve to exempt such commercial establishments from being categorized as an adult bookstore or adult video store so long as one of its principal business purposes is the offering for sale or rental for consideration the specified materials which depict or describe "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas." (Wac 17C-1-24) FLAMMABLE LIQUID. (a) A person who sells, gives or otherwise transfers to another or offers, advertises or exposes for sale to another any device, mechanism, tool or printed circuit, or any kit, plan or instructional procedure for the making of such device, mechanism, tool or printed circuit, with the knowledge that another will acquire cable television services in violation of this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punishable in accordance with subsection (b) of this section. (b) Discarded leaves, pine and other types of straw and clippings from shrubs, hedges, flowers, grass and other vegetation shall be carried away by the City periodically provided such articles are securely fixed in bags, boxes or similar containers which do not have to be returned by the City and provided further such articles in such bags, boxes or similar containers are placed by such person on the untraveled portion of the street or alley other than in any drainage structure such as an open ditch, gutter, catch basin, inlet or storm drain. Upon every person engaging or continuing within this City in the business of contracting, the tax shall be one and one-half percent (1.5%) on each one hundred dollars (S100.00) of the gross income of the business. Greater OKC Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. (Wac 17C-15-21] SINGLEBEAM ROAD-LIGHTING EQUIPMENT. Coasting prohibited. 08-129 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REORDAINING PART 4 (ALARM LICENSES AND REGISTRATION) OF ARTICLE 3 (SALES OF GOODS AND SERVICES) OF CHAPTER 2 (BUSINESS LICENSES, LIQUOR REGULATION AND TAXATION), JACKSON COUNTY MUNICIPAL COURT DIVISION 301 Michael Williams 308 W. KANSAS AVE. Court Administrator SUITE 142 (816) 881-1697 INDEPENDENCE, MISSOURI 64050 (816) 881-4653 Fax PLEASE NOTE: VIOLATIONS BUREAU, BY-LAWS OF MISSOURI ONE CALL SYSTEM, INC. Inc." Section 1. (Wac ) PERMITTING GAMBLING AT PUBLIC PLACES. Any City officer or employee who willfully conceals such a substantial financial interest or willfully violates the requirements of this section shall be guilty of malfeasance in office or position and shall forfeit the office or position. Authorization for members of ambulance services or any other emergency medical service personnel to operate Class A vehicles shall be designated by their chief official, the Department of Health and Human Resources and the sheriff of the county of residence. operating with any alcohol Employer responsibilities. All members of the Board shall be reimbursed from sewage works funds for all necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their duties, but there shall be no liability upon the City for any salary or expenses so incurred. (k) "New construction" means structures for which the start of construction as herein defined commenced on or after the effective date of this article. 3.26.070, STATE OF OKLAHOMA 2nd Session of the 44th Legislature (1994) HOUSE BILL NO. Land or lands and real estate or real property include lands, tenements and hereditaments, and all rights thereto and interests therein except chattel interests. vehicle has stopped in answer to a fire alarm or other emergency. (h) "Taxpayer" means any person liable for the tax authorized by this article. Each mobile home located in the City shall be underpinned with either metal, masonry, fiberglass or other fireproof material. (a) There is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference as if set out at length herein for the purpose of safeguarding life and property and to ensure the quality of construction of all structures erected or removed throughout the City of Kenova, that certain code known as the State Building Code as promulgated by the Fire Marshall under West Virginia b. Art Commercial and Heavy Vehicles. (a) If any person engaging in or prosecuting any business, trade or activity within the City contrary to any other provisions of this article, whether without obtaining a business franchise registration certificate therefor before commencing the business, trade or activity, or by continuing the same after the termination of the effective period of any such certificate, the Municipal Court shall, upon proper application in the name of the City and after ten days' written notice thereof to such person, grant a cease and desist order prohibiting such person from continuing such business, activity or trade until he has fully complied with the provisions of this article. Applications for such permit shall be made on such forms as may be prescribed and shall contain such information as is reasonably necessary to a fair determination of whether a permit should be issued. When a vehicle is equipped with a stop lamp or other signal lamps, such lamp or lamps shall at all times be maintained in good working condition. SECTION 4.3 POWER TO CONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS. For the third or any subsequent conviction for violation of Section , the offender shall be fined not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) nor more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), or imprisoned for not more than thirty days, or both. Every such passenger van shall be equipped with either flashing warning signal lights as are contemplated and referred to in West Virginia Code 17C-12-8, or a red caution flag which the driver or some other adult must use by exiting the passenger van and displaying while assisting in the loading or unloading of passengers. 2.8 Article and Section Titles. (WVaC 17C-1-1) AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE. (6) A plan of the site showing the exact size and location of the proposed construction as well as any existing buildings or structures. (Ord ) TERM OF OFFICE. All permits and plans shall be approved only after it has been determined that the proposed work to be undertaken will be in conformance with the requirements of the State and all other applicable codes and ordinances. Within five days after the adjournment of any Council meeting, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall present to the Mayor the record of proceedings of the meeting and all ordinances and resolutions adopted at the meeting. The drawer of a check, draft or order against whom a warrant has been issued may at any time prior to trial pay to the court the amount of the check plus such court costs as would be assessed if such person were found guilty of the offense charged. The Clerk may grant or deny permission to attach any sign in accordance with this article. 3.26.020 Definitions. "Contracting" includes the furnishing of work, or both materials and work, in the fulfillment of a contract for the construction, alteration or improvement of a new building or structure, or any part thereof, or for the alteration, improvement or development of real property. The signs shall be 1995 Replacement, 252 5 5 Offenses Relating to Prooerty placed along the boundary line of posted land in a manner and in a position as to be clearly noticeable from outside of the boundary line. Unless the taxpayer against whom a jeopardy assessment is made petitions for reassessment within twenty days after service of notice of the jeopardy assessment, such an assessment becomes final. SEWER ORDINANCE; Around Town. 125 39 Turning and Starting: Signals (b) A signal of intention to turn right or left when required shall be given continuously during not less than the last 100 feet traveled by the vehicle before turning. 2.7 public utility excise tax taxes; confidentiality 73 1.O1 voter registration Chtr. (a) Subject to all other speed restrictions of this Traffic Code no person shall drive a vehicle not designed for carrying passengers and equipped with pneumatic tires at a speed in excess of: (1) Twenty miles per hour in any business district; (2) Twenty-five miles per hour in any residence district; (3) Forty miles per hour on open country highway; (4) Trucks licensed at 8,000 pounds gross vehicle weight or less shall be permitted the same speed as passenger cars. The authority and the procedure set forth in this article shall not be construed as exclusive, but shall be in addition to other police powers possessed by the City of dealing with conflagrations, health conditions and other problems affecting the safety and welfare of the residents of the City. ((3rd. A hotel operator doing business wholly or partially on a credit basis shall require the consumer to pay the full amount of tax due upon a credit sale at the time such sale is made or within thirty days thereafter. No service charge shall be charged or collected by the holder or payee of a dishonored check, draft or order after filing a complaint for warrant. Red with green arrow: (1) Vehicular traffic facing such signal may cautiously enter the intersection only to make the movement indicated by such arrow but shall yield the right of way to pedestrians lawfully within a crosswalk and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection. "Public place" does not mean or include any of the abovenamed places or any portion or portions thereof which qualify and are licensed under the provisions of West Virginia Code Chapter 60 or the Codified Ordinances to sell alcoholic liquors for consumption on the premises. (Ord ) 1998 Replacement, 192 9 1 Bicycle Helmets CIVIL ACTIONS. (Ord ) SPECIFIC REQUIREMENT. In contrast, the City of Kenova argues, and the circuit court agreed, that W. Va. Code, 24-6-5 [1989] clearly and unambiguously states that "[a] . Leaking commodes, dripping faucets, malfunctioning appliances and similar situations shall not constitute leaks which entitle the customer to a recalculated bill. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Kenova, West Virginia has deemed it necessary to revise and codify those City ordinances of a permanent and general nature. There is hereby levied and imposed an annual license tax as provided in Section upon all dealers of nonintoxicating beer. (4) "Obscene" means matter which the average individual applying contemporary community standards would find A. Council shall consist of five members elected at large. 2-76 An ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into an, CHAPTER VII ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Section 7.1 Administrative Officers Generally. "Person" or "company" means any individual, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, corporation, trust and any other group or combination acting as a unit plural or well as the singular, and when used in connection with the penalties imposed by this article, means the officers, directors, trustees or member of any firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, corporation, trust or any other group acting as a unit. This section does not apply to supervised archery ranges or instruction nor when otherwise lawfully authorized PENALTY. (WVaC ) POSSESSION OF DEADLY WEAPONS BY MINORS PROHIBITED. Connection Fee. The City shall not accept payment of a water or sewer bill separately, when the customer concerned owes for both water and sewer services. "Disqualification" means a prohibition against driving a commercial motor vehicle. "Police officer" means every officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. (Wac ) PIMPING. (c) Interest and penalties may be collected in the same manner as the tax imposed by this article. Not less than ten days prior to any election, the City Clerk-Treasurer shall cause a sample ballot to be published in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the City. (c) Elevation and Flood~roofin~ Information. (Ord ) Replacement, 291 ARTICLE 71 1 Licensing of Contractors Policy declared Unlawfuluse,assignmentor Definitions. It is intended to address issues of local concern, and typically applies to people subject to the city's jurisdiction. (WVaC 17C-1-7) SCHOOL GROUNDS. (EDITOR'S NOTE: See Section for general Traffic Code penalty.) (a) No person shall throw, discard, discharge, place or deposit litter on any public property or private property in the City except in garbage cans, dumpster containers, public receptacles provided by the City for the collection of litter and/or official City dumps or landfills and except as set forth in Section (b) A person placing or discarding litter in any of the receptacles mentioned in subsection (a) hereof shall do so in such manner as to prevent the litter from being deposited or falling upon any public property or private property in the City while being loaded into or emptied from the receptacle. CROSS REFERENCES Submission of ordinances and resolutions to Mayor - see CHTR. Eff, ) Replacement, 49 Issuance of warrants; oaths; bonds. (Ord ) POWERS OF THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL. Pimping. (Ord. No error in the name of the property owner, the description of the property nor in the materials designated to be cut and removed shall affect the validity of any such notice; provided, that from the description of such lot, land or property the identity thereof may be established with reasonable certainty. Vii ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Section 7.1 ADMINISTRATIVE Officers Generally a commercial motor vehicle on a street highway... And storage WORKING on STREETS and HIGHWAYS general Code penalty if no specific is... Entitle the customer to a Fire alarm or other emergency DEADLY WEAPONS by MINORS PROHIBITED each mobile home located the! Located in the City shall be underpinned with either metal, masonry, fiberglass or other fireproof MATERIAL not than. Council shall consist of five members elected at large ) ( d Joint... Aiding escape and similar terms of confinement intended for such parade, procession or assemblage month meter! 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